Arts inclusion " pArt: take part in Art " GRUNDTVIG project
2013 - 2015
- Poland
- Austria
- France
- Finland
- Netherlands
- UK
D1 Summary
The project „pArt: take part in Art“ unites 6 different organizations in different European countries and aims to contribute to the preservation and popularization of the cultural and artistic heritage of their cities/regions for present and future generations. The project combines a variety of artistic activities with an educational background. We will be meeting over the course of two years in order to learn from each other about the various artistic, cultural, social techniques popular in our cities/regions. The main project topic will be to save regional (local) cultures from extinction. The partners will work with learners from disadvantaged groups in order to increase their European cultural understanding and, above all, give them a role in the local community. Art-based activities (dance, theatre, song etc.) will be used to support the personal development of adults who are disadvantaged through social isolation, lack of cultural opportunities or poor education. The partnership will be based on the workshop method: during each meeting the partners will learn from each other various methods of artistic expression and exchange their practical experience. The wide geographical range of partners for mobilities and common meetings will guarantee a correct process for a real inter-cultural exchange of ideas, thanks to which tolerance will increase and also an understanding for citizens of other countries on a European level. Local artistic heritage will be used as a common tool for promoting LLP international best practices. During the meetings we also intend to learn much more about the host organization, the culture of the country and the visited city.
The main objectives of the project are the interaction between cultural and artistic enthusiasts of various generations from diverse European partner countries, sharing pedagogical and artistic experiences, practicing the common language of Arts and finding inspiration through local arts/ culture and traditions of the cooperating countries. In the light of the above our project aims to promote the unifying feature of local artistic expressions among people at local and international level. More specifically, we have defined the following objectives:
A. DISAPPEARING HERITAGE - To systematically elaborate and preserve the disappearing local artistic heritage
A1. To research how the involvement of vulnerable groups can preserve disappearing local artistic activities
A2. To show how the preservation of local artistic heritage can be supported by workshops related to local tradition
A3. To show how e-learning can help in the preservation of tradition
A4. To suggest how immaterial heritage can be preserved
B. SUPPORTING GROUPS IN DANGER OR AT RISK OF EXCLUSION – suggesting how the participants of disadvantaged groups can be supported
B1. To analyze how disadvantaged groups use artistic expression
B2. Provide them with training for self /social recognition and knowledge by offering the resources of the university
B3. To suggest, how artistic workshops for disadvantaged groups should be designed in order to be effective
B4. to show activities specially designed for senior learning and wellbeing
C. SOCIAL RESONANCE OF THE ARTS – to find out how to combat against isolation of vulnerable groups through the use of artistic activities
C1. To show how engagement in artistic activities can help people at risk of social exclusion to became an active part of the their society
C2 To suggest ideas for inter-generational artistic, cultural and social activities
C.3. To show how passive artistic inception can be mixed with performing arts in effective work with vulnerable groups
C4. To show how the social local activities can be supported by the audiovisual materials
The methods foreseen to achieve these objectives are:
- a study of sources (written or/and oral)
- a case study
- local inter-generational artistic workshops on specific topics
- international artistic workshops on specific topics
- inter-generational ICT and foreign language courses
- co-operation between involved organizations through sharing information, discussing problems and finding solutions.