Partners of the project
France: Association Elephant Musik

The Elephant Musik association aims at the creation and promotion of alternative music from traditional rhythms and remixed world music.
Elephant Musik is born from the cooperation of a drummer-percussionist and an accordionist.
Their particularly festive duo has already been heard in the four corners of France.
Their musical offer is a journey into folk and regional French music.
These old tunes are often the result of a true international melting pot. Thus we hear the Celtic heritage in the gavotte from Brittany, the Portuguese heritage in the Landes Rondos, the Italian immigration in the Parisian musette waltzes, This musical fusion and intrinsic historical folk repertoire French (from all over the country) is revealed in the work of Elephant Musik: music both universal and typically French.

Founded in 1985, the association AMI is one of the founders of the “Friche Belle de Mai” structure created in 1992 in Marseille.
Its business focuses on three areas (aesthetic, practical, contractors), and plans to grow as local as well as national and international.
Aesthetics: support for innovative aesthetics, dissemination.
Since 1986, AMI holds an annual festival in July, called “ MIMI”, on the islands of Frioul, in the extraordinary context of the Caroline Hospital on the islands of Frioul next to Marseille. MIMI is an event labeled as part of Marseille European Capital of Culture.
The Festival has chosen from the beginning a innovative and highly trans-aesthetic programmatic approach, which may explain its exceptional longevity.
Alongside historical innovators (Ornette Coleman, Louis Sclavis, Terry Riley, Barre Philips, Gong, Kronos Quartet, the Corsican polyphony, Meredith Monk, Pansonic ...), the festival presented emerging artists, who have since becomewelle known : Erik M , Dgiz, Le Quan Ninh, Fabulous Troubadours, Etenesh Wassié, Erik Marchand, Dj Vadim, Médéric Collignon, Serge Adam ...
He was one of the first to systematically combine the work of creative residency and transmission of knowledge in the program. For exemple, we can emphasize the work of Fred Frith with "Helter Skelter", that of Christian Marclay and Otomo Yosihihide with "War of the Plates", or the work of Imhotep around "Syrtis Major".
In 2012, it will of course remain faithful to these guidelines, which earned him his reputation as a "pioneer" and "unifying".
AMI also offers listening sessions in town (the "Nirvana"), solo concerts in public spaces, on flatbed (the "FEAR NOT EVEN"), and implements creative residencies whose fruit is most often presented to the MIMI festival.
Between 2011 and 2013, the MAI is committed to the project "DIGIBAP" creative residencies between music, dance, digital arts and ICT, the result will be presented at the Festival MIMI 2013.
"Practices": help and support "practices" that are looking for musical professional autonomy or self-fulfillment "as an amateur."
As such, AMI management rehearsal studios of the Friche Belle de Mai, where for twenty years the number of repeating groups of the local scene.
Accompanying actions in the professional structure are implemented.
Practice amateur young audiences is also promoted through workshops and a program of activities for the year. In November, is organized "Hip Hop Village" event around Hip Hop practices to young audiences.
"Contractors" working for the optimization, consolidation of support for artists by development aid cultural entrepreneurs.
This axis is materialized in several ways.
The incubator business and cultural enterprises CADO accompanying project developers in the development stage to a perpetuation of their business.
The Professional Meetings POTLATCH spaces that are privileged to speak to professionals in the region and invited international operators.
AMI does not hesitate to mobilize European funds to finance its activities, such as the project Sostenuto, in the framework of the MED, which explores new economic models of Culture, which is head of the MAI file (2009-2012).
In the past, the MAI has developed projects of artistic and cultural cooperation in Japan, Russia, the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan), the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco), sub- Saharan Africa (Guinea, DR Congo , Chad, Ivory Coast, Senegal) or in European countries.
Pics of the Hip Hop village :
Full information and archives of the Association of
LA Friche la Belle de Mai
41, rue Jobin, 13003 Marseille
Tel: +33(0)4 95 04 95 50

Our institution is a governmental life long education provider in many fields of occupation, knowledge, hobby and skill including arts, handicrafts, foreign languages, musical instruments, sports, folk dances, theatre&drama, school subjects, ICT and literacy as well. In addition to our available training courses, we always provide services for any subject which people demand from us. According to the statistics of our institution for the last year, there were 658 courses for a wide range of subjects, and almost %46 (297) of them served for socio-cultural purposes. That ratio shows that people generally need to be qualified, social and active citizen in society, therefore we concentrate on these social oriented courses. Also regarding our strenghts, besides our head office in city center, we have branch offices in countrysides, and that’s how we can reach the people who normaly live in rural areas. Within the main theme of that project, we would like to collaborate with other associations and foundations in the Europe to exchange ideas and implementations.

We are an association of teachers specializing in physical education. Our goal is to train other teachers in new ways to approach physical education with students. We are working on the problem of childhood obesity and ways to avoid it. We specialize in outdoor activities and every year we camped in the wild. We would like to share experiences with you.