Project YODUL
Project description |
Objectives and strategy |
Agenda of the project |
Presentation of partners |
Partner meetings |
First Kickoff meeting in Bursa: -Agenda -Minutes -Pictures -Dissemination |
Second meeting in Paris : -Agenda -Minutes -Pictures |
Third meeting in Madrid : -Agenda -Minutes -Feedback learner 1 -Feedback learners 2 et 3 -Photos |
Fourth meeting in Bursa : -Photos -Minutes -Photos Palden |
Partners best practices |
France : PACE-to-FACE |
Project output/results -Digital Magazine -Yodul Brochure Madrid -Yodul Brochure Paris -Yodul Brochure Bursa |
Project Yodul - Useful Links
Association E-seniors
Eseniors Europe
Institut E-seniors
Grundtvig project YODUL
© Yodul By lamalol
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"