Conference Internationale sur la Vieillesse/retraite : le Livre Blanc sur le Vieillissement actif en Andalousie
avec E-SENIORS les 14 et 15 juin 2010 à Seville (Espagne)
Monique EPSTEIN de l’association E-SENIORS a été invitée par la « Junta de Andalucía » (gouvernement régional d'Andalousie), au travers du du Département pour l'égalité et la protection sociale, pour jouer un rôle actif à la « Conférence internationale sur le vieillissement actif: Livre blanc - Vieillir en restant actif en Andalousie ", à laquelle ont participé plus de 500 experts et qui a eu lieu les 14 et 15 Juin 2010 au Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones (Palais des congrès et des expositions) à Séville. La conférence visait à présenter le Livre blanc « pionnier » sur le vieillissement actif en Andalousie et la liste des politiques qui doivent être développées en Andalousie dans les prochaines années en rapport avec la génération des seniors. Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez visiter le site Web :
Diaporama :
Voici quelques recommandations du Livre Blanc sur le Vieillssement Actif en rapport avec l'Apprentissge tout au Long de la Vie(en espagnol et anglais):
Le fichier PDF (en anglais à partir de la page 472)
121.-To encourage participation in university programmes for the elderly as ways of promoting their socio cultural environment.
122.-To promote new technologies among elderly people.
For this purpose it is necessary:
- To provide instruments for learning about new technologies.
- To organise training courses in new technologies.
- To carry out programmes for the integration of elderly people in the society of information and new technologies.
- To encourage elderly people to use new technologies.
123.-To provide access to new technologies as people grow older, especially in the rural setting, making use of the resources available in a coordinated way.
For this purpose it is necessary:
- To provide continuous training, either in person or in virtual form, in the use of the computer and Internet.
- To provide elderly people’s association with computer equipment.
- To promote intergenerational relationships through digital technology courses which enable them to learn to communicate and work together.
- To increase investment in research, development and innovation projects whose purpose is the use of NICT’s by people as they grow older.
124.-To increase the enjoyment of elderly people in the aspects of the cultural life of their environment,
encouraging their active presence in
the programmed activities.
For this purpose it is necessary:
- To promote the practice of tourism and organise exchange visits with people from other places.
- To promote programmes aimed at the enjoyment of culture and knowledge.
- To enhance the cultural level of elderly people through an increase in the activities offered at the various learning centres.
MORE about the WHITE book :
Members of the Andalusian Department for the Elderly and Provincial Departments, together with 60 experts from public administrations, universities and social actors have participated in writing this document, which analyses the new needs of the elderly population. It considers five areas: planning active aging and transversatility, living healthy, living in security, participation and innovation and life-long training.
The White Paper on Active Aging in Andalusia has taken an open approach, ensuring participation from all sectors and promoting new opportunities based on gender equality and relationships between generations.
This has meant that the White Paper is not only a scientific instrument which analyses and investigates the situation. It is also a mechanism to foster active participation in planning public policies. The paper holds much recognition for the high level of public participation, with more than 200 people having directly participated in preparing the paper.
In short, we can say that the White Paper on Active Aging will serve as guidance for future policies concerning Elderly People that are to be developed in Andalusia over the coming years.
· To reflect on active aging, as a means of improving the quality of life of aging people by enhancing their opportunities for a healthy, participatory and secure life.
· To present national and international policies and strategies aimed at the promotion and improvement of the Active Aging of the population.
· To circulate information about the services currently provided and about future plans which enhance the autonomy and active development of the elderly, improving their quality of life.
· To encourage the creation of interested groups with expert experience in the elderly sector in order to continue R&D&I work in Active Aging.
· To promote and share knowledge about Active Aging in order to make of the demographic growth of the elderly sector and the longevity phenomenon an opportunity for the development of regions and countries.
· To present and analyse the conclusions and recommendations laid out in the White Paper on Active Aging in Andalusia.
· Politicians, public social managers involved in policies affecting senior citizens.
· Scientists, researchers and experts in the areas to be discussed at the Conference.
· Managers and Professionals involved in the care of elderly groups from the public, private and third sector.
· Private entities specialising in developing and introducing products for the elderly.
· Foundations and institutions which finance and encourage activities of a social, educational, cultural and scientific nature through their Social Project Funds.
· University research departments for issues related to the elderly (technology, psychology, health, law, tourism, communication, etc.).
· Interested communities (professional associations, senior citizen associations, networks, etc.).