Conference Programme


09:00 - 10:30. Registration


10:30  Welcome and inauguration. Plenary Session I. (Al-Andalus Auditorium) 


His Excellency Mr José Antonio Griñán.

President of the Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia)


11:15 - 11:45. Coffee break


11.45 - 12.45.  Plenary Session II (Al-Andalus Auditorium):


Active and Healthy Aging

Alexandre Kalache.

Professor and researcher at the University of Oxford and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Senior advisor - Academy of Medical Sciences (New York)


12.45 - 13:30. Plenary Session III (Al-Andalus Auditorium)

Coordination and Transferring Knowledge: the challenge for efficient action in the 21st century

 Luis Salvador Carulla

 Professor of Psychiatry  and Doctor in Medicine and Surgery

 University of Cadiz


13:30 - 14:30. Round Table: European Models on Active Aging Policies. (Al-Andalus Auditorium)


Purificación Causapié Lopesino.

Director-General of the Institute for Seniors and Social Services (IMSERSO).

Ministry of Health and Social Policy


Werner Korte (Germany)

Directorship of Empirica


Sébastien Proeschel (France)

Cooperation Delegation

Regional Council of Limousin


People Project: An innovative social change model.

Mercedes García Sáez (Spain)

Head of Social Voluntary Service

Department for Equality and Social Welfare

Junta de Andalucía

Moderator: Julio Coca Blanes

Secretary-General for Dependence Care

Department for Equality and Social Welfare

Junta de Andalucía

14.30 - 16.00  Lunch Break



16.00 - 17.30  Thematic Session I: Living in Security. (Auditorium Al-Andalus).



Fernando Santos Urbaneja.

Prosecutor of the of the Provincial Court of Córdoba

Coordinator of the Mental Wellness Andalusian Forum


Mechanisms to protect the image of seniors.

María Luisa Pérez Pérez.

Member of the Audiovisual Council of Andalucía.

Junta de Andalucia


Active Ageing, the NEC perspectiv.

Guy Lonsdale.

General Manager and Head of the Software and Services Research Division of NEC Europe Ltd.


Telecare and Telehealth in the UK

David Parry. 

Chief Executive of SEHTA.


Moderator: Lorenzo Jesús del Río Fernandez.

President of the Provincial Court of Cádiz


Speaker: Camilo Hernández León

Provincial Director of the National Institute of Social Security


17.45 - 19.30  Thematic Session II: Living Healthily. (Al-Andalus Auditorium).

Promoting healthy living among older people

Francisca Muñoz Cobos.

Family Doctor, “El Palo" Health Centre in Málaga.

Health Deparment

Junta de Andalucía


Extremadura. Exercise keeps you healthy experiment.

Juan Carlos Campón.

Managing Director of the Extremadura Service to Promote Autonomy and Dependence Care (SEPAD).

Department of Health and Dependence

Junta de Extremadura


Environmental education for seniors.

Ricardo de Castro Maqueda.

Head of the Environmental Education and Training Service.

 Department for the Environment.

Junta de Andalucía


Moderator: Cristina Torro García-Morato

Deputy Director of Promoting Health and Participation.

Department of Health.

Junta de Andalucía


Speaker: Juan Manuel Espinosa Almendro.

Family Doctor, “El Palo" Health Centre in Málaga.

Deparment of Health

Junta de Andalucía








16.00 - 17.30  Thematic Session III: Participation, Contribution and Innovation Associated With Active Aging. (Itálica Hall)


Innovation and Digital Integration. E-Seniors.

Monique Epstein 

Founding director of the association E-Senior and Director of the Internet Society France


Example of seniors taking part in community Associations. Nagusilam.

 Luis García Túnez.


Loles Díaz Acedo.

Journalist, RNE (Spanish National Radio).


Mariano Sánchez Martínez

Professor of Sociology

Granada University


Moderator: Inmaculada Lindo Camacho.

Social Worker. Specialist in Intergenerational Relations


Speaker: Vicente Pérez Cano.

Director of  CONFEMAC.

Professor of social psychology

Pablo de Olavide University


17.45 - 19.30  Thematic Session IV: Life-long Training.
(Itálica Hall)


Baltasar Lobato Gallardo.

Director of the Seniors Programme.

Department of the Economy, Innovation and Science.

Junta de Andalucía


Juan de la Torre Fabre.

Seniors in Universities.

President of Andalusian Federation of University Lessons for Elderly Associations (FADAUM)


Use of mainstream and dedicated ICT by Seniors 50+

 Werner Korte.

 Directorship of Empirica


Moderator: Manuel Velázquez Clavijo.

Professor of Evolutionary Psychology and Education.

University of Seville.


Speaker. Mª Ángeles Ruiz Jiménez.

Expert on the Diffusion of Cultural heritage.

Department of Culture.

Junta de Andalucía


21.00. Welcome cocktail. The Alcázar of Seville





09.15 -
10.40.  Plenary Session IV. Real models of Active Aging in Europe. Horizons to clear.  Remaining doubts. (Al-Andalus Auditorium).


Concha Redondo Tarodo (Spain)

Degree in History


Therese Clerc.  (France)

La Maison des Babadayagas.



Health after the age of 50.

José Antonio Pérez España.

AGE Platform Europe.


María José Porro Herrera

Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Córdoba.

Professor of the “Aula de la Experiencia” (University courses for seniors).

Director of the course entitled “Francisco Santisteban”


Moderator: Juan López Doblas.

Professor of Sociology.

University of Seville.

10.40 - 11.30. Plenary Session V.  Presentation of White Paper for Active Aging in Andalusia.


María José Castro Nieto

Director-General for Seniors.

Department for Equality and Social Welfare

Junta de Andalucía


11.30 - 12.00.  Coffee break

12.00 - 14.00.  Plenary Session VI. Gender and Intergenerationality. The Keys to Active Aging. (Al-Andalus Auditorium) 

Carmen Maestre Vergara

Feminist association of older people


Carmen Muñoz Calahorro

First High School Student

Speaker of the Young Scientist Parliament of Andalusia

Santa Ana School (Seville)


Manuel Fernández Santos

President of the Confederation of active elderly (CONFEMAC)

Retired merchant seaman


Ángel Gaya Curiel

Member of the Intergenerational Gathering “La Búsqueda”





Isabel García Rodríguez

Social Policy Coordinator

Institute for Advanced Social Services




Candela Guirao Piñeyro

Technical Coordinator Intergenerational Project Area of OFECUM


Moderator: Soledad Pérez Rodríguez.

Observatory of the Andalusian Women’s Institute

Department for Equality and Social Welfare

Junta de Andalucía


14:00. Conclusions Session.


Her Excellency Ms Micaela Navarro Garzón.

Regional Minister of the Department for Equality and Social Welfare

Junta de Andalucía