
Kivotos – Elpida, is a voluntary NGO whose aim is to empower the disadvantaged and promote social inclusion, through informal education and experiential learning. At the present time, the organization provides a safe, supportive, and culturally diverse environment fostering the sense of belongingness, which in turn facilitates self-expression through the acquisition of social skills, constructive experiences, and healthy life attitudes. Kivotos – Elpida works with a variety of groups such youth, families, seniors, women, and organizations in order to promote awareness, communication, life skills, and personal development, through experiential groups, seminars, and artistic endeavours.

This is the Logo of the school.
The adress is
Colegiul Tehnic is a technical school from Resita, Romania. Resita( is a city in the west part of Romania, in Caras-Severin county. We qualify students in electrical, electronical and mechanical engineering.

“OPONGA” is a Public Entity of Public Law set up in 1993 with the aim to carry out cultural & sports events in the municipality of Kilkis. Its objectives are to set up cultural centers, library, gallery, historical archive, music theatrical performances, screening, collection & conservation of folklore material, create local archive, search & promote the local artistic creativity, create a conservatory, promote the environmental protection, citizens’ engagement & awareness raising about sport, implement inter-municipal competitions, award sports clubs, organize sport events, cooperate with institutions & associations operating in the territory of the municipality in order to improve the spiritual & cultural local development. OPONGA is ruled by a 7 member Board of Directors. Each October the “International Puppet - Mime Festival of Kilkis” takes place, which is the top event in the town. It bestows the town with the prestige of a cultural activity of international luster, and the visibility of the town worldwide. The function of the organization brings together people from all ages where they can spend their time constructively towards common goals.

The objective of E-Juniors is to offer juniors, particularly those who are e-excluded, opportunities to learn new technologies (electronic, computer and multimedia) by proposing activities in addition to formal scholastic offerings, in order to:
° Profit from free time in a constructive and educational manner
° Study new applicable areas of interest
° Inspire creativity and enhance vocational skills
This association works in tandem and in a complementary manner with E-Seniors, where the objectives are to: initiate seniors and people with disabilities to new technologies in communication and to support the multiple objectives of:
° Reducing the intergenerational digital divide
° Freeing seniors from their isolation
° Facilitating access to study and information in order to cultivate new perspectives and to better profit from free time
Together, the two associations utilize digital technologies to augment intergenerational communication.

The Spanish Confederation of Teaching Centres (CECE) is a non-profit employers´ organization founded in 1977 that represents an ample educational sector in Spain. It has branches all over the Autonomous Communities via Federations and Associations in numerous provinces of Spain. Each one of the federations represents teaching centres within regulated and non-regulated sectors.
One of the main objectives of the CECE is to put at reach of the member companies all the advantages of the association and thus:
To coordinate and unite forces in an attempt to face common problems.
To conceive and maintain its own service to the members.
To encourage private initiative.
To represent its members in the negotiation of pacts, agreements and collective agreements so as to establish relations with professional organizations that represent the teaching and other staff of the centres as well as with public entities.
Its primary vocation being to provide service, the CECE represents the priorities of its members among which are the organizations as Teaching Centres, Music Schools, Shools of Tourism, for Disable People, Privates Academies, etc.

Best Practice GuideDissemination
3rd Project Newsletter2nd Project Newsletter
1st Project Newsletter
Project Leaflet
Project Poster
IGL & Communication (Greece)
IGL Activities (Greece)
Intergenerational 2014 (FRANCE) Intergenerational 2013 (FRANCE)Intergenerational 2012 (FRANCE)