Project name : Conscious Senior e-Citizen |
Coordinator : Turkey - Omer Turkmen Educators Association -
Partners from Czech republic (, France (,, Greece ( and Spain (
Type of project : Grundvig learning partnership
Kickoff meeting : décember 2009
Nowadays world is characterized by very rapid changes in technology (computers, mobile phones, Internet, electronic banking), older people feel at once more lost, confused. They are no able to assimilate the knowledge necessary to make use of new technologies. This multiplying the existing distribution of digital society and is blocking chances of sharing the experiences by older people. The main objective of the Project is to make older people life in modern IT Word easier and more comfortable. A series of onsite courses for senior citizens is planned to covering the following topics:
- Basic computer skills
- Internet
- Communication
- E-banking
- E-shopping
- Using applications and software for recreational purposes
The components of the course will be prepared by Project Partners and translated into national languages of project as well as adjusted to the needs of project countries.
Target groups:
adult citizens and senior citizens
This project will also help in building a bridge between generations and will counteract distribution of digital society.
The main objective of the Project is to make older people life in modern IT Word easier and more comfortable. A series of onsite courses for senior citizens is planned to covering the following topics:
- Basic computer skills (using a computer, writing documents)
- Internet (getting a connection, configuration, usage, looking for information)
- Communication (e-mail account, sending messages, sending files, internet communicators, chat)
- E-banking (advantages and disadvantages, managing own bank account)
- E-shopping (advantages and disadvantages, safe shopping on internet)
The components of the course will be prepared by Project Partners and translated into national languages of project as well as adjusted to the needs of project countries.
Then the program of courses for senior citizens will be prepared and carried out by partners of the project. The courses for senior citizens will be prepared and supplemented by companions and manuals as well as on-line versions.
- IT courses for senior citizens
- easy computer manuals for senior citizens
- on-line version of courses
- web site of the project
European added value
The participants of the project will be able to take an active part in the exchange of European experience. They will acquire additional skills and knowledge that will increase their chances on the worldwide communication. They will meet new schools of information technology and institutions that train/teach senior people under danger of social exclusion. They will also recognize the possibilities and the level of wide application of IT in the activating process of people from regions under danger of digital exclusion. That can be regarded as an important, additional value of the project.
The organizations and institutions participating in the project will have the chance of establishing long life contacts and will have the possibility of initiating firm and organized forms of European cooperation in the area of teaching supported by IT and teaching IT.
The most significant part of the project though will be the introduction of ICT technologies and its use to people that have so far being computer-phobic and the freedom of access ICT can provide to senior citizens in an ageing Europe. Particularly when the primary targets of Lisbon have been emphasizing (and a major part of EU funding is targeting) systems for e-governance, e-voting and generally a new identity of an e-citizen training the new e-citizens is imperative.
Interactive tablets course conclusions
Kickoff meeting in Istanbul -Turkey december 2009
Pictures of kickoff meeting-FR
Presentation of czech partner ITC
Minutes of the kickoff meeting
Second meeting in Malaga - Spain - march 2010
Symposium e-STAS on Twitter / eSTAS website and video
Presentation from Cyber Voluntarios (SP)
Third meeting in Athens - november 2010
Presentation from M3Cube/Eseniors
Pictures taken by spanish partners
Fourth meeting in Paris March 2011
Photos of meeting andBarcamp à la Cantine
Fourth meeting in Prag
CSC_Prag_june11 |