March 9 Tuesday




16:00-17:00  Work session 1:Explanation about the Agenda. Review of objectives and work planning of the proposal. Discussion about the main tools created: Facebook group and yahoo group.

Assessment and discussion about the main activities and ideas in order to improve our



17:00-19:30  Work session 2:Discussion about the special needs of senior citizens: Every country will

present some research about training needs for senior learners in ICT in each country.


19:30 Free time


21:00 Cocktail in the hall hotel Room Mate Lola




March 10 Wednesday


08:00 Breakfast


09:30. Activities in order to participate in International Seminar E-stas 2010.


12:00 Coffee-Break


12:30 14:00: Discussion and agreement about the ways of communication between

seniors with the main idea to exchange experiences between learners and create a common

European Course

14:30-16:00 Luch Piyayo

16.00-18:30  Activities in order to participate in International Seminar E-stas 2010. 4 Participación en  Jam Session de e-STAS en la que puede exponer cada uno lo que hace con ICT y mayores (no hace falta presentation, simplemente contar en 3 minutos lo que hace, la gente luego pregunta)


19:00 Free time


21:30 Dinner in Pimpi restaurant: One of the most special restaurants in Malaga: This

restaurant is a common place for international artists and writers meetings in Spain.



March 11 Thursday


08:30 Breakfast


10:00 Activities in order to participate in International Seminar E-stas 2010.


11:45-12:15.  Coffee Break.


12:15 Activities in order to participate in International Seminar E-stas 2010.


14:30 Cocktail


16:00 Last work session: Discussion about the preliminary course y Design and Agreement about final Common Course in Ict for Learners


18:30 Free time.