Training Module Template












This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot



1.      History of the Media. 3

2.      Media deontology. 3

3.      Law and legislation in the Media. 3

4.      Applications of electronic journalism.. 3

5.      Media and Entertainment. 3

6.      Research and information gathering on the Internet. 3

7.      Models of Multicultural Broadcasting Stations. 4

8.      Interview.. 4

9.      Digital audio and video editing. 4

10.         Types of radio emissions. 4

11.         Radio show.. 5

12.         Digital archiving in the media. 5

13.         Mentoring. 5

14.         Public participation in multicultural media. 6

15.         Volunteer support. 6

16.         Collaborative problem solving. 6

17.         Business Plan for the organization and operation of Multicultural Media. 7

18.         Organization and management of Multicultural Community Media. 7



As Multicultural Community Media, meant the media described as "alternative" in the sense that on the one hand, concern groups and communities who live in one area, and on the other, operated by the groups themselves. The main feature of Community Media, is that not the primary purpose of profitability, but bring differentiated targets, such as informing immigrant groups, the provision of information from alternative sources (eg alternative news agencies), the involvement of individuals in society, the production of cultural emissions in accordance with the cultural characteristics of the groups, as well as vocational skills of people from the target groups in media jobs (journalists, technicians, producers, emissions) and promoting them in the media.

The modules will be included in the tutorial are:

1.                 History of the Media

Radio, television, multimedia and the internet. Evaluation of the overall historical development of media until today and assessment of future prospects.

2.                 Media deontology

Journalism and media deontology. The foundations of deontology for the media, and its rules.

3.                 Law and legislation in the Media

Law and legislation in the Media. Sources of Media law, which are related firstly to the regulation of the media in the context of guarantee of freedom of press, on the other hand with the scoping exercise of rights and freedoms that are found in field of communication.

4.                 Applications of electronic journalism

New applications of electronic journalism. Digital stories and productions.

5.                 Media and Entertainment

The concept of entertainment in association with broadcasting. Light Entertainment. "Quality" and "commercial" entertainment programs. The types of television entertainment programs and their goals. Promotion of casts, trailers, public relations, etc. Development of printed and promotional material for the Multicultural Community Media. Public relations.

6.                 Research and information gathering on the Internet     

Εξετάζονται οι μορφές της πληροφορίας, η οργάνωση της ψηφιακής πληροφορίας στα σύγχρονα υπολογιστικά συστήματα, καθώς και 0ι μέθοδοι προσπέλασης της. Το διαδίκτυο, οι υπηρεσίες του και οι μορφές πληροφορίας που περιλαμβάνονται σε κάθε υπηρεσία. Έρευνα και συλλογή πληροφοριών. Εξετάζονται οι μηχανές αναζήτησης, οι κατάλογοι, οι πύλες, καθώς και ειδικά προηγμένα εργαλεία αναζήτησης.

Consider the types of information, the organization of digital information in modern computer systems and the access methods. The internet services and the types of information those are included in each service. Research and information gathering. Consider the search engines, directories, portals, and special advanced search tools.

7.                 Models of Multicultural Broadcasting Stations

Issues related to the operation and the operating models of Multicultural media as operating in other European countries (English, French, Spanish, etc.)

8.                 Interview

The interview process is an integral part of journalism. Often it is the main source of information either for the preparation of news or for the presentation of a specific topic in depth analysis. The interview can be applied to a theoretical framework, because it is a skill that develops with practice and experience. Main steps for the preparation of an interview are:

·         The choice of subject

·         The choice of interviewee

·         Communicating with the guest

·         The design of the interview

9.                 Digital audio and video editing

Types of files used. There are two parameters that need to be taken into account with the digital audio and video: quality and file size.

·         The quality must be taken into account when the purpose is broadcast on radio or television.

·         The file size should be taken into account when the goal is to post on the internet, or on a web site.

These two parameters are interdependent, the better the quality the larger the file size, which was a real challenge for those who wanted to produce small files but without compromise to low quality.

10.           Types of radio emissions

Radio is by far the most accessible, economical and the most influential means of information dissemination. The way in which the sound (voice and music) is presented to the listener in order to convey a specific message creates the "shape" of the content of the program and prepares the listener for content. For example, the "dramatization" allows the listener to identify with the characters created by the voices and thus helps in the transmission of the message. The use of music causes the address of the radio as a companion for everyday activities.

The choice of radio types from a multicultural radio should reflect the purpose and the impact they want to have on the audience.

Every radio station has its own "radio sound". This particular sound is a characteristic of a multicultural radio station and differentiates it from commercial radio. The commercial radio targets its audience in order to sell advertising space. State radio serves the interests of the state, which may include the public interest or not, and depends on the country and the regime. The multicultural radio supports the interests of the community and seeks social change. Listeners should be able to recognize themselves in the multicultural radio sound the radio.

11.           Radio show

A basic principle of the radio show is a harmonious blend of various acoustic sounds and the voice of the presenter. The voice is the greatest weapon for a radio station in order to keep listeners tuned.

Knowing the profile of the audience is the primary key. It allows us to know what tone to use when talking to the audience and what topics interest them. Knowing who are audience, facilitates communication with them and determine the kind of relationship we develop with them.

12.           Digital archiving in the media

The evolution of technology makes digital archiving an interesting possibility for everyone who uses computers. The archived information may open new possibilities for multicultural radios. Archiving maximizes the duration of information: eg speeches, hearings, etc. can be "captured" and stored and used whenever needed between organizations and agencies.

13.           Mentoring

Mentoring is the process by which a mentor offers support to another person. A mentor has knowledge and experience in a specific field and shared these with the lead person. Provides coaching career, offers instruction in areas related to work, recharge the tutee work, provides educational guidance and assists in management problems.

Mentoring is an effective strategy that can significantly contribute to career development for employees and provides a tool for the future development of their capabilities. In essence, it is an effective method for the transfer of professional, technical and managerial skills.

Mentoring is a highly effective and powerful tool to enhance personal and professional development of persons belonging to vulnerable social groups such as returnees, migrants, Roma, people with disabilities, long-term unemployed, etc.

Informal mentor - benefited relationships, tend to develop independently when there is true commitment among stakeholders.


14.           Public participation in multicultural media

Multicultural Community Media is one of the fastest growing in the world today, having particular characteristics that distinguish them from public or commercial media and community involvement is one of the most important differentiating features.

Multicultural Community Media is based on the principle of full participation of communities, by mixing their members in decision-making and daily operations as well as to harmonize with the real needs of communities.

Multicultural Community Media must come from communities and its planning will be controlled by the communities. The citizens should benefit from easy access to the multicultural media sources and material and his ability to make the material and sources accessible to the public and the citizens.

This means that the Multicultural Community Media has a duty to ensure the active participation of community members in its management and planning and informing them about the activities taking place.

These same communities are the most important source of the program. Through their participation,  the community members develop interactivity and interaction with the program, they feel their own, which will ensure continuity of the program.

The participation of community members also ensures the consistent commitment of the program to the needs of the communities that comprise it through the programmatic design of which:

·         Is it relevant to their problems and concern for the communities

·         Responds to specific development needs and information needs of communities.

15.           Volunteer support

The Multicultural Community Media acts as a multicultural center. The people who will be involved will be very uneven, drawn from all classes, nationalities, ages, and of course will have different abilities. Trying to group them so that they understand the common goal is important. If this is achieved it will be much easier to implement the active involvement of volunteers and the increased interest that there is a climate of mutual assistance and support.

Generally, the operation of a station as a multicultural center can be a healthy and necessary process. But it should operate within boundaries in order to avoid controversy and not to lose the primary purpose-that multicultural radio to "serve" the general society.

16.           Collaborative problem solving

It is important that within the operation of a multicultural media, conflicts and disagreements between two individuals or groups be resolved through the Collaborative Problem Solving in a way that leads to mutual agreements and stronger relationships.

17.           Business Plan for the organization and operation of Multicultural Media

The business plan is the key on which should be based on the establishment, organizational structure, operation and development of Multicultural Media.

The points that should be included are:

·         The Objective Function of Community Media and the possibilities for their contribution to the Opening channels of communication between social groups and society.

·         The Code of Conduct, a set of rules whose application and expansion will ensure the success of their operations and their other activities. This set of rules must be consolidated from all in order to serve as a development tool, a necessary adjunct to the job, and not a lasting threat for any errors or misunderstandings.

·         The characteristics of the environment in which you will operate the Community Media always in relation to the corresponding European and Global Practice.

·         The content, Topics, Products and Services to be provided by Community Media. The program, training and other services that essentially serve the communities and volunteers, predominantly recipients of Community Media.

·         The organizational chart that describes very accurately the administration of Community Media, the roles and responsibilities of executives and decision-making processes. It will regulate the relationships between all the partners so as to ensure the smooth and efficient flow of operation.

·         The parameters of operation of Success Community Media.

·         The Program of Community Media, which determines the character of Multicultural media and design emissions under general rules governing the creation of the program.

·         The financial data, including the analysis of financial data, necessary for the establishment and operation of Multicultural media.

·         Marketing which includes the major elements of promotional activities for the promotion of the image of multicultural media information, finding subscribers and financial supporters.

18.             Organization and management of Multicultural Community Media

Public relations and communication with media, networking, organization of NGOs, Funding NGOs.