M-Com Minutes by Institute ESE

Thursday, the 4-5th of July 2013




Training courses based on the Best Analysis results:


In France:

-        Video production

-        Working with the media


In Cyprus:

-        how to work with the journalist

-        Writing an effective press release.

-        Photography


In Turkey:

-        Facebook + Twitter


Utilization of the online e-learning platform.



-        Discussion of the Newsletter 2:

Similar to Newsletter 1, it will be based on Paris mtg activities + summary of needs analysis results and list of e-learning courses for the platform

-        + Mark will send his PPT for СR in Spain, with the example of Radio Libertaire (PL will research further)



-        Orestis will put a news section on the website.

-        All partners must provide translation of main project description in their local languages

-        FR to send PPT (best practices) + trad + flyer (in FR) to CY (Beran>Orestis) for website


Other Actions/Deadlines:


1)       CY to design/provide: a template (basic content) + course material for platform. Other partners to provide feedback (adapt to local context) before next mtg in IT. FR can refer to CR + PPT from press-training program (MDA 3) for potential ideas/revisions.

2)      Which courses specifically + link to “Ten Tactics” website to be sent by CY in official minutes.

One of the “Ten Tactics” chapters is focused on humor.

3)      By the 5th of September CY will supply us with the templates in English.

4)      By the 15th of October all partners to send CY filled-out templates.

5)      Our future training program will be based on 6 different modules: video

production, working with media, etc. (official list to be provided by CY)

6)      Additional result: CY will prepare a summary (for dissemination purposes) of national trends inre to needs analysis results.


Presentation of best practices in Poland: www.sfera.umk.pl/gracz


Link to meeting photos (by FR partner): https://picasaweb.google.com/106892727578398620636/2013070405MComParisFRANCE?authuser=0&feat=directlink