House for Youth and Culture in the 11st ditstrict of Paris
Discover the possibilities of the internet Demystify computer technology Don't be afraid to start this adventure!
A beginning course adapted to your rythum and needs |
Something interesting to do in your free time without being results oriented
Something intellectually stimulating including games, courses, information
A tool to simplify your everyday life such as locating necessary forms, finding
specific information on line, comparison shopping and easy purchasing,
managing your bank account, etc.
Since 2006, the Center has welcomed evry trimester groups of 6 students at different levels of competence, with each student having their own computer and two instructors assisting the process One hour is devoted to explanation and the second hour affords free time when the instructors can answer individual questions |
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Information :
d'Animation MJC Mercoeur- tel.: 01 43 79 25 54
E-Senior association - tel.: 06 24 39 64 34
We hope you will pay us a
visit to see if this system might work for you.