Erasmus+ project
Start date: 01/11/2021 – End date:
E-Seniors (France),
National University of Ireland Galway
Inversità delle LiberEtà del FVG – ETS (Italy), Instalofi
Levante SL (Spain),
The Rural Hub (Ireland),
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany),
Fakulteta za zdravstvene in socialne vede Slovenj
For decades, the sexual life of older
adults has been a taboo, it is time to shake up this old-fashioned attitude and
focus on a vital part of seniors’ wellbeing. EDUSEXAGE project will develop a specific training course for
retired older people to boost their self-esteem, promote socialization and
understand the importance of having an active sexual life, it will also propose
a specific training for seniors’ educators and informal caregivers, who may
lack adapted and tested guidelines about how to discuss and tackle issues
related to the social and intimate life of their old people. The project will
enable them to support seniors in increasing their self-confidence and
positivity and have a fulfilled sexual life. Finally, EDUSEXAGE will raise
awareness among the general public about the importance for people of all ages
of leading a fulfilled sexual, social, sentimental and EDUSEXAGE life and about
the positive impact of active and healthy ageing.
Expected project results:
User’s requirement report
Learning course to empower seniors
Tanning for educators, other professionals and informal caregivers
Online platform
Achieved results
Online learning platform “Education for healthy sexuality in older age”.