Meeting WeActiveVol, Katowice
8th and 9th of December
and review of project activities
project work program and Gantt Chart
- KoM: VLO will send a draft of the minutes and each partner can modify and complete it if necessary;
- Other project meetings: each hosting partner will send a draft of the minutes to all partners;
Leaflet issue:
è A kind of invitation with interesting points, including: short paragraph regarding the project meetings, info about the planned activities and outputs (e.g. events promoting active citizenship of the over 50s people, opinion polls, recommendations about the scope of a comprehensive training course targeted for the over 50 people interested in volunteering);
è Target group: people aged over 50 and different organizations supporting active aging and volunteering in partner countries. Translation in each national language;
è Ilona will send a draft of the leaflet and each partner may amend it
Final brochure:
è It will summarize good practice examples in the field of volunteering. Each partner will produce one page/two pages description about good practices examples in its country (projects carried out in his own organization or in another organization). Translation in each national language.
è What is the target group? People over 50s and organizations as well.
è Each organization will make its own choices about the content of the good practices in their country. Ilona proposes we will choose the format during the 2nd project meeting in France.
è The partners can share some good practices for the 2nd meeting in France and the partnership can talk about it. The preparation will be between June and September 2017. The final brochure should be ready in October during the meeting in Romania.
During the meeting in Hungary, we will talk about the two questionnaires for survey polls and we will apply them before the summer 2017 between May and June 2017. Betka will summarize and analyse them during the summer. The initial content from the meetings in Hungary and Lithuania will be switched. Therefore, the workshop n° 3 will be organized in Lithuania but leaded by Hungarian partners.
3 questionnaires:
1) Assessment of the predispositions of the voluntary work: done during the meeting in France. Abilities?
2) Survey poll among experts
3) Survey poll among seniors
Gantt Chart:
è Events aimed at promoting active citizenship of the over 50s people will be organized as scheduled (August – October 2017);
è Creating the final version of two questionnaires for survey polls – will be done in May 2017;
è Carrying out two opinion polls be each partner – will be done between May and June 2017;
è Partners’ work on the brochure with good practices – will be done between June and September 2017;
è Improving the final content of the brochure – will be done in October 2017;
è Printing the brochure – will be done between November and December 2017;
è Finalizing the work on the recommendations about the scope of a comprehensive training course – will be done between November and December 2017;
è Ilona will include the agreed changes into Gantt Chart, work programme and upload these documents to Dropbox;
Updates of the future meeting dates:
1) Paris: 20th-21st-22nd of February: each partner has to decide regarding their flights and schedules. Final decision next week. Once ESE has the answer from all partners, they will send a list of accommodation.
2) Budapest: 19th-20th-21st of April? Final decision next week.
3) Vilnius: Povilas will send options for dates in June 2017 (ESE cannot the 2nd week of June).
4) Romania: October 2017.
5) Slovakia: the final meeting will be postpone to January 2018 – second half of the month (budget issue).
è Task division and specific activities carried out by each national team were described in Section G of the Application form.
and contractual rules in Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships
- Delivering accounting evidence of the project (copies), in Euros to VLO (February 2017, June 2017, January 2018);
- Keeping invoices and bills for all meetings (hotel bills, bill/receipt from the travel agency that states the flight costs, boarding cards);
- Possibility to transfer money from Project Management to Transnational Meetings – informing VLO before making any transfers;
- Exchange losses are ineligible costs;
- Each partner should inform the VLO about any change in legal, financial, technical, organizational or ownership situation and of any change in its name, address or legal representative;
- 2 certificates need to be prepared for each meeting participant by hosting organisation (one for each person and another for the coordinator);
- Ilona will ask the NA if VLO has to collect documents for proving the connexion between the participants and the organizations; eligible meeting participants – staff (whether on a professional or voluntary basis);
- Detailed summary with financial and contractual rules - available on Dropbox. VLO recommends to analyse it carefully.
The final report, products and outputs will be
assessed by the NA in accordance with a set of quality criteria; it is of a
special concern for the partnership to develop high-quality results, as a grant
reduction based on poor, partial or late implementation may be applied to the
final amount of eligible expenses. The document with the quality criteria used
by the NA will be uploaded on Dropbox by Ilona.
results and impact
The project’s results will be registered by VLO
at the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform;
Document with definitions of the output and
outcome, relevant project results will be uploaded to Dropbox by Ilona;
Ilona will prepare and disseminate among
partners the table with all project results (outputs and outcomes) and their
In case of the missing indicators for some
outcomes (exchange of ideas and good practices in the field of volunteering,
new work and international experience gained by the participants, improvement
of language, intercultural, communication, team-building skills of
participants, exchange of ideas with network of local expert groups) – Ilona
will suggest indicators, and the partners can amend them;
Project impact: Povilas will send to Ilona the
summary of his speech about the project impact;
Application form provides some initial
directions on how the expected impact will be measured (page 46-47). The
partnership will collectively elaborate and agree upon the impact indicators-
Ilona will analyze the information received from Povilas, and later – prepare
an initial list with the adequate impact indicators; this should be amended by
the other partners.
Questionnaires measuring the impact on the
staff will be prepared by Ilona; Betka will give her feedback on it.
and use of the project’s results
Dissemination activities held by each national
team will be described in a sample table proposed by Ilona. Each team will
conduct the dissemination activities, as described in the application form, the
table will ensure to gather the information about dissemination activities
during the project lifespan.
and monitoring activities
Monitoring reports will be prepared and
disseminated among the partners by VLO
(a sample was presented);
Evaluation form from the KoM: the partnership
will use the same evaluation questionnaire for the future meeting in terms of
general questions, each team can modify and add some additional questions. The
hosting organization should propose and include the adequate questions, which
will verify the indicators foreseen for his meeting content (as described in
application form).
Evaluation terminology (glossary) will be
uploaded to Dropbox.
within the partnership
Each e-mail with questions or activities to be
carried out should have a deadline for the answer;
Any answer to the above-mentioned e-mails is
required, including sending a feedback about being late with some tasks;
One person from each organization is
responsible for e-mail communication;
- Partners are kindly asked to be careful with sending an e-mail reply to all project participants from the mailing list; in case of relatively unimportant issues, it’s not necessary;
- Partner being responsible for development of the output will maintain communication about this output with the partners;
For the future meetings: at least one person
who attended the KoM from each team should also participate in other transnational
Other important:
For the purpose of the final report it is
important to keep any possible record to show the partners involvement into the
project in their countries (to document the cooperation with local expert group
and dissemination activities).