Meeting WeActiveVol, Katowice
8th and 9th of December
Opening the meeting, welcome from the Vice Director of the VLO in Katowice
Presenting the meeting goals and programme
Short round of introduction of the meeting participants
Meeting objectives: initiating the project;
getting to know each other in person, learning about the activities held by
participating organizations; presenting the group of local experts, getting
familiar with their activities in the field of volunteering, good practice
examples; discussing expectations toward the project, analyzing different
experiences in the project management fields, establishing the cooperation
Participants, representatives of partner
E-Seniors Association, France
Initiatives Network Association (Asociacija "Iniciatyvu tinklas"), Lithuania
National Volunteer Centre (Önkéntes
Központ Alapítvány), Hungary
Volunteer Centre (Centrum dobrovolníctva), Slovakia
Centre (Centrul
de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca), Romania
of the local expert group invited for the meeting:
Gliwice Centre for non-governmental
Social Welfare Centre in Katowice,
Oligos Association in Rybnik
Staff of
the VLO in Katowice
Introduction of the project
Main objectives & results:
- Strengthen volunteering among the over 50 people.
group: trainers, educators, coaches active in adult education, volunteer coordinators, project
managers, practitioners working in the field of volunteering and active ageing,
advisors, decision-makers from the participating organisatons.
Outputs: project website, 6 meeting minutes, PowerPoint presentations, thematic workshops for the meeting
participants, leaflet, questionnaire for
the assessment of predispositions to perform a voluntary work, 2
different questionnaires for opinion polls, set of
recommendations about the scope of a comprehensive training course in the field
of volunteering, dissemination activities aimed at promoting
volunteering in partners’ countries (report from these activities), final
project report, brochure
Presentation of partners
Importance of new
information and communication technologies
Provides digital access for seniors and handicapped persons by offering
ICT trainings and by participating in local and European projects
Local Projects designed
for all ages and encouraging solidarity
2) Volunteer Center in Hungary (OKA): 2002
5 staff members and around 20-25 people working as volunteers
Good collaboration with the government
International seniors programs
Volunteer Seniors Club founded in 2013
3) Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center in Romania (CVCN): 2004
Volunteering in local communities
Solving community problems through volunteering
International Volunteer Day: 5th of December
They’re participating in tools’ research for measuring volunteering
Involving volunteers with fewer opportunities, projects aimed at reducing delinquency among young people.
5000 volunteers + 147 volunteers sent abroad
Center Dobrovolnictva in Slovakia
Services of volunteering: database of volunteering opportunities, consultations for people and for organizations
Promotion of volunteering
Use of online tools for volunteering
European Voluntary Service: hosting and sending volunteers
University and municipality are partners
Network Association in Lithuania
Volunteers from young people to elderly people
Help citizens and organizations to pursue international dialogue, promote their initiatives, participating ant promoting volunteering and lifelong learning, and develop skills and competencies
Promotion of the employment of 54+
VLO in
Poland (coordinator)
Implementation of the European Social Fund; Employment placements abroad (EURES); Promotion of entrepreneurship; Division of the Labour Fund resources; Provision of vocational guidance and vocational information; Obtaining funds and pursuing projects under European Union Programmes; Performing various analyses regarding the regional labour market
Representatives of the local expert
Association in Rybnik
- founded mainly by the parents of disabled people (both children and adults);
- major areas of activities: supporting the disabled in gaining qualification
required on the labour market (trainings); assisting parents of the disabled;
running the Environmental Self-Help Centre for people with disabilities;
- cooperating with volunteers, including international volunteering; Volunteer
Friendly Organization certificate.
NGO Centre
- 5 main branches: Social Activity Area, Social Economy Incubator, Voluntary Service Centre, Centre of Cultural Organizations, House of Active Youth;
- Voluntary Service Centre: organizing meetings and trainings for volunteers at any age, organizing trainings for voluntary service coordinators, volunteer placement services, International Volunteer Day gala;
- Examples of seniors volunteering: encouraging elderly ladies to become A Fairy-Tale Grandma in Gliwice nursery schools; Seniors’ Volunteering Academy (IT courses, information meetings about volunteering, integration meetings).
Welfare Center in Katowice
- Sunflower Programme: volunteers support the elderly and disabled people as well as children and youth (assistance in learning);
- Promoting volunteering, searching for volunteers actively;
- Workshops, trainings for volunteers
Workshop: Partners’
expectations towards the project, bad/good experiences in the project
management fields
- Communication, listening, good relationships between partners etc.
- Respect of the deadlines and the tasks related to each partner
- Active participation in the project, equal tasks division
- Developing useful results
- Common understanding of the project aims and activities; clear working plan
- Following the agreed terms ad rules.