Social inclusion and EMployment Opportunities through the Valorization of
European cultural Heritage
Start :
1st of October 2019
End :
30th of September 2021
Partners :
Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa, Italy,
Genista Research Foundation, Malta
E-Seniors, France
Institutul National al Patrimoniului,
Social inclusion and EMployment Opportunities through
the Valorization of European cultural Heritage" is a 24 months project,
involving 4 different organizations coming from Italy, France, Malta and
Romania, working in different but interconnectable
sectors: education of disadvantaged young adults, ICTs, Environment, EU
Participatory Democracy, integration of migrants, Cultural Heritage, Public
Services, Social Entrepreneurship. The cross-sectorial
aspect of the project represent its strength: partner organizations with different
backgrounds and specifities, but with a common
was European Year of Cultural Heritage and itis a
priority to valorize it. This Strategic Partnership intends to do so, by
supporting Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship of disadvantaged young adults.
sharing best practices, thanks to the study visits in the different
Institutions, the project partners will co-design a unique Training model for
entrepreneurship through the valorization of the European Cultural Heritage,
which, after being tested at local communities level, will be released as an
output will be the main result of the Strategic Partnership and it will be freely
available in the online young and adult education resource platforms EPALE and
SALTO, on the project's blog and on Social Media Platforms, so as to beused from any other organization and adapted to the
specific contexts.
to the implementation of 3 International meetings (Preparatory, Intermediary
and Dissemination) + 4 Learning/Trainings activities + 4 local educational activities,
about 32 participants (Staff members, educators and trainers) will increase their
skills and competences and at least 30 young adult learners (disadvantaged,
unemployed citizens and migrants) per Country will participate in the community
experimentation of the new methodology.
will have an long term impact on:
the ORGANIZATIONS - Exchange of best practices in Adult Education from different
fields and contexts: cultural, entrepreneurial, social, digital, public
services and cultural policies
the STAFF MEMBERS - learning from each other about how supporting the young adult
learners in their learning process, for increasing their opportunities in
entering the job market as main actors
the YOUNG ADULTS LEARNERS - acquisition of skills and competencies in the field
of entrepreneurship, through the valorization of the Cultural Heritage
the LOCAL COMMUNITIES - valorization of the Cultural Heritage through new and
fresh entrepreneurial initiatives started by disadvantaged young adults.