“Media and
information literacy and digital competences enhancement for active aging” (MILEAGE)
Erasmus+ project
1st February 2022 to the
31st January 2024
Coordinator :
E-Seniors (France)
Partners of the project :
Framework (Italy),
CARDET (Cyprus),
EDUCATOR (Czech Republic)
WSBINOZ (Poland).
MILEAGE aims at creating
a new and more engaging way to foster seniors’ digital skills and media and
information literacy (MIL) to empower them in the use of ICT tools in everyday
life (ie. e-gov, social media, streaming) and to
raise awareness on digital dangers and how to face them.
The development of the MILEAGE project will be divided into 4 main results, with specific activities and tasks:
Report on risks and barriers faced by
seniors in the digital environment
Virtual risks
lessons with explanations on the defined risks
Handbook for adult educators with guidance
supporting training activities (multiplier effect).