+ project
Elderly Adults in Emotional self-care & through the acquisition of digital
skills and creativity
KA2 – Duration: 2,5 years (1st November 2021 – 1st May 2024)
- Westfaelische
Wilhelms Universitaet Muenster
(coordinator) - Germany
- E-Seniors – France
Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Spain
Corte dei Miracoli APS –
32 Puntos Desarrollo de Proyectos, S.L. - Spain
Stowarzyszenie Doradców Europejskich PLinEU - Poland
Integra_Lab proposes to cover the need to
empower older adults in emotional care, through the use of creativity. For
this, the human team that makes up the consortium will contribute their
experience in social
sciences, psychology, physical activity and well-being to generate adapted
content. Part of this training will be designed to be taught online, with
adapted pedagogy and materials that allow older adults to improve their digital
skills and promote inclusive accessibility.
Emotional care through creativeness need
analysis, Good Practices and Recommendations
Generation of contents and resources for
emotional care through creativity adapted to older adults
Seniors Emotional Care through creativeness
course development and delivery
Post - course guidelines (teacher’s notes) for
course instructors