Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy
Living project (IDEAHL)
Duration: 24 months (01/05/2022 to 30/04/2024)
Consejeria De Salud Y Servicios Sanitarios - Principado De Asturias (Spain)
Servicio De Salud
Del Principado De Asturias
Fundacion Para El Fomento
En Asturias De La Investigacion
Cientifica Aplicada Y Tecnologia (Spain)
Consulta Europa Projects And
Innovation (Spain)
Istituto Per Servizi Di Ricovero E Assistenza Agli Anziani (Italy)
Royal Melbourne Institute Of
Technology Spain Sl (Spain)
E-Seniors: Initiation Des
Seniors Aux Ntic Association (France)
European Institute Of Women's
Health Company Limited By Guarantee (Ireland)
Ince Iniziativa Centro Europea - Segretariato Esecutivo (Italy)
Behoerde Fuer Arbeit, Gesundheit, Soziales, Familie Und Integration
Hamburg (Germany)
Professionshojskolen University College Nordjylland
Malardalen University (Sweden)
Seinajoen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland)
Adi & Salu Sersoc Sl (Spain)
All Digital Aisbl (Belgium)
Caritas Diocesana De Coimbra
Objectives of the project:
The Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living project (IDEAHL) aims at developing and testing new models and approaches of (digital) health literacy ((d)HL) intervention development and application through the co-creation of a comprehensive and inclusive EU (d)HL Strategy.
The IDEAHL consortium is composed of 14 multi-disciplinary partners from 10 EU Member States, which work hand in hand with patients, citizens, and the broad socio-economic sector at local level.
The project will first conduct an extensive mapping of health literacy (HL) and (d)HL research, initiatives, and projects in the EU and beyond. It will define best practices and champions in these fields to foster knowledge exchange and uptake of selected practices. Building on these foundations, IDEAHL will launch a large co-creation process to design and plan its EU (d)HL Strategy, involving over 1,300 different stakeholders, from citizens and patients to healthcare and social services, policy makers, non-health sectors, academia, etc.
Finally, a number of actions of the Strategy will be piloted in the 10 project countries. From the testing and evaluation of the pilots, IDEAHL will be able to put forward a common EU monitoring model and indicators for (d)HL levels. The ultimate purpose of the project will be to empower EU citizens in using digital tools to take a more active role in the management of their own health and well-being, as well as supporting social innovations for person-centred care models.