



Erasmus+ project

Start date: 28/02/2022 – End date: 02/2024


FRAME (Poland)

I.E.R.F.O.P ONLUS (Italy)

Instalofi Levante SL (Spain)

E-Seniors (France)

Spolek PELICAN (Czech Republic)

Athens Lifelong learning Institut Eastiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etairia (Greece).

As people get older, the risk of digital exclusion and divide increases, especially in rural areas. Digital divide prevents seniors from accessing important societal information and community services related to science and technology that can offer benefits for autonomy, well-being, and social participation. Therefore, fake news spreads freely and quickly, which poses a threat to the public. The FakeNews&Elders project promotes the social inclusion of elders as people with fewer opportunities, often digitally and educationally excluded. The project activities are addressed to local educational and learning environments - educators, libraries, trainers, consultants or NGOs. By equipping participants with scientific and critical thinking skills, the course topics will improve their ability to cope with ever present misinformation and miscommunication in the media.

Project results:

1.       Anatomy of miscommunication and fake news – a guide to understand how mass communication works

2.       A practical course for elders on using media communication in a critical way

3.       Methodological guide for organisations working with elders

4.       Educational boards


Press release

Official website

Newsletter 1

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4 - February 2024

