FACIT - Fostering Active CitizenshipCompetences
Start : 15th of November 2019
End : 14th of May 2022
Partners :
- IntegraOnlus, Italy, coordinator
- FattoriaPugliese Diffusa, Italy
- E-Juniors, France
- Geoclube – AssociacaoJuvenil de CienciaNatureza e Aventura, Portugal
- Kainotomia&Sia EE, Greece
To achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, the UN recognizes a strategicrole to education and training, with a view to Lifelong Learning.
There are two dimensions in which the Educational Institutions, genericallydefined, are called to participate. The first isrelated to theirinstitutional mandate, thatis toachieve the goals described in Goal 4: "Provide a qualityeducation, fair and inclusive, and learningopportunities for all". The second isinherent in the strategicrolethat the Institutions plays in shapingcompetent and responsible new generationsthatcontribute to sustainabledevelopment.
In this scenario, the Strategic Partnership for Adult Educationnamed "FACIT: Fostering Active CITizenshipcompetences" intends to raise the standard educationalapproach to an upperlevel, by promotinginterdisciplinarity as the key for Active Citizenshiplearning/educationalopportunities, through the acquisition of specificcompetencescomingfromdifferentsectors, fromEcology to Economy, from ICT to ParticipatoryDemocracy and Social Cohesion.
The projectactivities are scheduled in order to achieve the projectobjectives: FACIT willdirectlyaffect the educators/trainers/facilitators/staff membersfrom the 5 partnerorganizationsfrom IT, FR, PT and HE, workingwithNeets, Unemployedadults, migrants, refugees and asylumseekers, adultsfacinggeographical and economicdisadvantages. Theirinvolvement in everyproject'sstepwillallowthem to acquire new competences in the designing of innovativeeducationalapproaches to enrichActive Citizenshipcompetences of adultlearners. After FACIT completion, the staff memberswill have learned how to integrateEconomic, Digital, Ecologic, EU and Global Citizenships in the designing of anyeducationalpath (in anysector).
This willbe possible thanks to a structuredwork program withtailor-made activities. Beside the 3 International Meetings for coordination and management of FACIT, otherspecificactivities are planned.
1/ In the first step, by taking part to 5 StudyVisits, the partnerswill exchange best practices on educationalapproachesin 5 diverse sectors, whichcouldimprovelearners' Active Citizenshipcompetences: Economy e Business start up (Kainotomia, EconomicCitizenship), EU Participation (FPD, EuropeanCitizenship), HumanRights Education (IntegraOnlus, Global Citizenship), ICT (EJuniors, Digital Citizenship), Ecology and Environment protection (Geoclube, EcologicalCitizenship);
2/ The second stepwillconcern the designing of a new methodologicalapproach, adoptable in everycontext and sector, whichwilltakeintoaccount all the 5 declinations of Active Citizenshippreviouslyexperienced. Thanks to this new approach, in every Training course or educationalpath, itwillbepossible to ensure the full acquisition of Active Citizenshipcompetences, regardless of the sectorand the specific topic of eachactivity. E.g., itwillbe possible to educateadults to environmentprotection, by alsointroducingthem to the economic impact of pollution, to the rights and duties of being EU Citizens, to the existingtools to have a say at EU level and to the necessary digital competences to use them online.
In order to reachthisresults, one educator/teacher/facilitator per partnerwillbeinvolved in a 2 months Training Assignment on Active Citizenship, to beheldduringsummer 2021 in Portugal, whenGeoclubeusually hosts a Summer Camp for youngadults, with the topic of Active Citizenship. The 4 foreigntrainers (from FPD, Kainotomia, IntegraOnlus and E-Juniors) willworktogetherwith the Geoclube'strainers; each of themwill lead a training session in his/herownsector, focusing on the learningachievements in terms of Active Citizenshipcompetences.
3/ After the Training Assignments, all the partnerswillco-design the final draft of the methodology, whichwillbeadopted, by each of them, at the local communitycontexts. The results of thispracticalexperimentation, whichwillinvolve a total of about 150 EU learners, willbecollected and discussedby the partners and theywill lead to the final version of the "FACIT TOOLKIT", to bereleased and freelydownloadable, among all, from the main Adulteducationplatforms (EPALE, E+ ResultsPlatform, SALTO).
Transnational project Meeting 1 Roma
Transnational project Meeting 2 - Lecce
Transnational project Meeting 3 - Milano
Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (LTTA) in Greece
Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (LTTA) in France
Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (LTTA) in Portugal
long Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (LTTA) in Portugal