Consortium Meeting °2 E-Chance, the 19-20th of May 2014


19th May 2014


09:30 – 10:00                     Project progress up to date (presentation of each partner)


10:00 – 11:15                     Project Analysis

ü  Details of the training need analysis (presentation of each partner)


11:15 – 11:30                     Coffee break


11:30 – 13:00                     Project Analysis

ü  Database of organisations for female entrepreneurs includes organisation details and activities of related institutions around European countries (presentation of each partner)

ü  Next steps


13:00 – 14.15                     Lunch


14:30 – Presentation and discussion: The NEXUS support network for women entrepreneurs, Mr Dremer, NEXUS

17.30 – 18:30                     City Tour Nuremberg


19:00 – 21:00                     Dinner in traditional restaurant, Nuremberg



Partners’ presentation of the activities that have been done so far:

Suleyman Sah University.

-        Survey Presentation of the results of the Users’ Needs Analysis. They already have 40 responds so far. They will have 50 more (90 in total).

·        19/40 people want to start their business in the area of production/manufacturing;

·        people want have trainings in ICT and IT;

·        communication tools: people don’t know how to create a newsletter and a webpage

č Sonia from ILI said that the responses are almost the same with another project she has been involved. The main topic was migrants in Portugal, UK and Germany

-        They have disseminated project via other different European projects in Krakow, Lyon etc.

-        Presentation of the first draft of the template for data base.

-        Presentation of the first version of Website.

-        First E-Bulletin (newsletter) from Turkish partners






Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg ILI:

-        They are very late in all their activities. Paul was out of work for 7 weeks and they have just translated the Survey and spread it.

-        Presentation of the Support Handbook/Training programme for business – used for other European projects

M3 Cube presentation

-        PPT about Women-Entrepreneurs in France

-        Results of the Survey Analysis

·        People want to start their business in education and services

·        34% of people consider to start their own business

·        The main reason to start their business is to become more independent (22%)

·        They need to train in management and law (55%) and economy and finances (61%)

-        Plan of dissemination







Database grill of the organizations for female entrepreneurs

Ayse will send the draft version of this database by the end of this month. All the partners will fill it in with each country’s information:

-         About 10 organizations per country with website/brief description

-         To include it in the RI

-         Key words: women business start-up; legal support, administrative support; trainings, coaching; finance; incubator; business planning; legislation, rules


Training Curriculum


Turkish partners presented the possible training modules to do for all partners.

-         Communication and business monitoring

-         Searching information from Internet

-         E-Marketing, business plan etc: M3Cube will be in charge of this module


Presentation of The NEXUS support network for women entrepreneurs, Mr Dremer


Stephan DREMER, studied business administration, he started his own start up 15 years ago in IT. And now he is working as a consultant for IT business and also he is doing some volunteering work.

·        Nexus is a non-profit organization, target group: one-man-business, small business, low tech (that means that you can start your business with a small capital).

·        First contacts: 60% women, 70% unemployed, 30% have a migration background from Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria or Romania

·        Members are always the individual persons not the organizations. Presentation of the Information Centres that will be useful for people.

·        2007: Nexus Start, centre for new business opened. Project “Nexus Frau”: was completed in 2009. The idea is to help women in start up situations.

·        Nexus doesn’t have any employees; everyone works as volunteers there.




All partners NEXT STEPS:

·        Paul will finish his survey by the mid of June and send his results to Turkish partners.

·        Turkish partners will prepare the first template of the data base tables (by the end of May) and then each partner has to fill it according to their country.

·        Each partner will give its feedback about the Plan of Dissemination created by M3Cube and then M3Cube will make changes if needed in order to complete it by the end of May.

·        Website: Tolga will send us the text in English of the website and then we will translate it in the partner’s languages. He will also improve the layout of the site. We need to change the name of the M3Cube contact (Mark is indicated there).

·        We will have accounts in the social networks: Facebook, Twitter...

·        Learning modules: to be prepared by September 2014.

·        Project flyer: TR will create a Word version in English and send it to all partners; each country will translate it in national language and the print it out.

·        Starting from the 2015 partners will start doing courses and training modules (with about 10 learners).

City Tour Nuremberg, organized by ILI University


Important for M3 Cube:

·        M3Cube will send the dissemination plan presented during the CM in Furth to all the partners and all partners have to give their comments/remarks ŕ the final version to be created by the end of May ŕ to include in RI

·        M3Cube has to send its logo to put on the project’s Website

·        Turkish partners will send us a Word version of the flyer in English and then all partners will translate it in local languages.

·        We are in charge of the 3rd newsletter (3/4), after the meeting in Paris.

·        M3Cube is responsible for E-Marketing and Business Plan. Paul is responsible for Communication. All modules should be prepared and sent to all partners by September 2014.

·        Starting from the 2015 partners will start doing courses and training modules.

·        Next meetings: 30-31.10 in Paris. There the dates for the meeting in Furth will be decided