Consortium meeting, Paris, the 30th and 31st of October 2014


Meeting Place

The meeting room of M3-MCube Association

13, rue du Cambodge, 75020, Paris, France


29th October 2014

Arrivals of the participants


30th October 2014

09:30 – 09:45             Getting to know each other (For Staff and trainees/participants)

Project progress up to date (presentation of each partner)


09:45 – 11:00             Project Analysis

ü Presentation of the results of the Users’ Needs Analysis

ü  Database of organisations for female entrepreneurs includes organisation details and activities of related institutions around European countries (presentation of each partner)

ü Status quo of the 2nd Newsletter (ILI)

11:00 – 11:15             Coffee break

11:15 – 12:30             Project Analysis

ü Presentation of the Modules

·       Business Plan and E-Marketing (M3-MCube)

·       Communication and Business Monitoring (ILI)

·       Searching Information from Internet (SSU)

ü Status quo of the flyer of the project (taking in consideration the M3Cube’s remarks)

ü Status quo of the website of the project

12:30 – 14.00             Lunch

14:00 –15:30               Project Analysis

ü Plan of the dissemination (feedback from all partners)

ü Status quo of the social networks

ü Giving the certificates by M3-MCube Association

16:00 – 17:15             Project Visit to the Institute

17.15 – 19:00             Free time

19:00 – 21:00             Dinner in the traditional restaurant, Paris


31st October 2014


10:00 –14:00               Project Analysis

ü Training Courses (According to results of TNA)

ü Next Steps



Practical information:


Meeting venue for the 30th of October

13, rue du Cambodge, 75020, Paris, France


The closest metro station is Gambetta: metro Line 3 (Green line), take it in the direction of Gallieni


In case of questions, call:


Daria: 00336 46 69 40 55

Anaïs: 00336 84 10 15 95

Taxi service number: 3607