Traditional Village

Minutes from the Consortium Meeting in Calatayud, Spain on the 21-22 of February 2014


1st Day, Friday the 21st of February


1.)    Visiting the Espacio Lugus and description of its activities


2.)    Short presentation of new participants and informal information about the project (10 minutes by organization):

·        7 partners were presented, included Cyprus by skype

·        Absent: Estonia and Romania


3.)    Review of the Project: main aims, activities and results according to the application.

4.)    Work to be done and distribution of tasks. 

Deliverable 4

·        Send to Nick the doc about European village and about customs and traditions (see his Romanian doc for example)

·         We can combine doc (new information) with the information already sent to Lithuanians (Deliverable 3).

·        Check with Eero if he has put the country information presentation prepared by Italy on the project website, which can be also useful in producing this doc.

Deliverable 8

·        Send to Eero (Estonia) the dissemination of activities doc, complemented with the picture of activity.

Deliverable 9

·        Send links to Polish partners which are related to the cultural tourism in France (e.g. ecotourism, woofing, pole emploi, group picking, how to get a tourist guide license)


5.)    Presentation of the traditional costume made by each partner

·        Turkish presentation

·        Cyprus presentation (by skype)

·        Lithuanian presentation

·        French presentation (E-Juniors ‘The history of beret’)

·        Polish presentation

·        Italian presentation

·        Spain presentation


6.)    All photos are to be put on thumb drive + web album to be created, then send the link of photos to partners.


7.)    Next Consortium Meeting in France


·        Next CM will take place on the 25-26th of April 2014 in Paris (E-Juniors hosts)


8.)    Cultural visit to Calatayud city.



9.)    International Exhibition of photography. Exhibition of traditional costumes.



2nd Day, Saturday the 22nd of February

Travelling to Teruel Bodas de Isabel Segura.

·        Meeting with Raquel Esteban, manager of Fundacion Bodas de Isabel.

·        Visiting different traditional activities. Traditional markets. Street theater and concerts.

·        Meeting with Raquel Esteban, manager of Fundacion Bodas de Isabel.




Things to DO for E-Juniors:

·        Send to Nick the doc about European village and about customs and traditions.

·        Check with Eero if he has put the country information presentation prepared by Italy on the project website, which can be also useful in producing this doc.

·        Send to Eero the dissemination of activities doc, complemented with the picture of activity.

·        Send links to Polish partners which are related to the cultural tourism in France (e.g. ecotourism, woofing, pole employ, group picking, how to get a tourist guide license)

·        All photos are to be put on thumb drive. Then send the link to partners.