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July 17th – 20th, 2013

On Wednesday, July 17th 2013 the partners arrived in Klaipeda.

Thursday, July 18th 2013 was the first working day.




Silva Blazulioniene – Lithuania Business University of Applied Science, Lithuania

Daiva Viningiene – Lithuania Business University of Applied Science, Lithuania

Socratis Socratous - SSM Global Training Services ltd, Cyprus

Eero Elenurm - Interest Marketing OÜ, Estonia

Kaspar Koov - Interest Marketing OÜ, Estonia

Laura Aavel- Interest Marketing OÜ, Estonia

Sebnem Duran - Turgutlu Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Turkey

Osman Tugrul - Turgutlu Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Turkey

Hayrettin Uslu - Turgutlu Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Turkey

Yaşar Kocatürk- Turgutlu Halk Eğitimi Merkeziv, Turkey

Halil İbrahim Kaya- Turgutlu Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Turkey

Betty Abougheida - E-JUNIORS association, France

Mark Konick - E-JUNIORS association, France

Jan Kostyszak - Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji "Pomost", Poland

Malgorzata Jazdzewska- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji "Pomost", Poland

Jadwiga Zygmaniak- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji "Pomost", Poland

Walentyna Galimowska- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji "Pomost", Poland

Waclaw Kondrakiewicz- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji "Pomost", Poland

Mattia Rana - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana", Italy

Livia Serio - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana", Italy

Tommaso Leserri - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana" , Italy

Michele Solito - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana" , Italy

Paola Simeone- Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana" , Italy




Ms Silva Blazulioniene officially welcomed the participants. Participants watched a video on the country of Lithuania. After the video, Ms Silva Blazulioniene gave info on the programme of the next two days. The partners went through the overview of the current project situation. Afterwards, all partners showed their presentations on the work that was done in their own institutions during the first year of the project.

-          Presentation of Estonia

-          Presentation of Italy

-          Presentation of Poland (Their learners also sang examples from their music courses)

-          Presentation of France

-          Presentation of Turkey







FRIDAY 18TH 2013:


Silva Blazulioniene – Lithuania Business University of Applied Science

Socratis Socratous - SSM Global Training Services ltd

Eero Elenurm - Interest Marketing OÜ

Sebnem Duran - Turgutlu Halk Eğitimi Merkezi

Malgorzata Jazdzewska- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji "Pomost"

Livia Serio - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana"

Tommaso Leserri - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Ettore Majorana"


Besides these participants, the Spanish partner, Ms. Marga Veron Jarque from Asociacion Emprende Empleo in Spain was also connected to the meeting via Skype.


            The working day started with slides on the expected results and outcomes for the first year.

There was a discussion on which results we have and which we don’t have.

The website was checked out. Partners from Poland and Cyprus do not have the presentations of their own institutions there, so they will send a presentation to be put on the “Partners” part.

Discussion on how to share the results on the project website. Decision:

- One more line will be added to the website and that line will be called “Results”. Main activities of each partner and the results and outcomes will be shown there. The Polish partner will send a draft showing how the activities will be shown on the websites and the partners will send their activities according to the draft sent by the Polish partner.

Photos from international project meetings will also be shown on the website.

The application form was reflected on the projector and F1 part was revised. Silva Blazulioniene announced that she is not the coordinator any more; the coordinatorship is now given to Romania and both Romanian and Lithuanian partners have already informed their NAs about it. All the partners should get in touch with their NAs and inform them about this change.

The partners went on revising the D4 part on the application form. In this part there are presentations to be produced as results. A decision was made to prepare three presentations to be used according to the part D4:

1)      Each partner will go to a village and they will take photos of tourist attractions of that village. They also add some info to the photos. What is interesting for tourists. “Villages as tourist attractions.”  The Italian partner will collect them and will put them together in to one presentation.

All partners should send the presentations until the end of September to the addresses of the Italian partners:

The previous work of the Italian partners, a website their learners created, is very suitable for this heading, so it will also be used. The Italian partners gave the contents of the website to the Estonian partner, Eero Elenurm, who is responsible for the website. This will be used as a product.

2)      The second presentation has the heading; “Traditional items”. Partners will prepare presentations on homemade food and drink until the end of September.

3)      Partners will also visit the village they use in this project, take photos under the title “This is my village and these are my customs.” They will write some sentences about these photos. The difference from the first presentations is that; this time the focus will be on household items and customs rather than touristic parts.


In Part 4B, the result “international workshop” is also demanded. It was decided that the workshops partners had in Italy and Lithuania during the project meetings can be used as a result under the heading of “international workshop.” There will also be a workshop in Turkey under the heading of "Traditions: popular costumes in the European village". Participants will learn how to make hand-made shoes and there will be a workshop about it. Thus, the international workshops in part D4 of the application form are the workshops participants take part in during the project meetings.


As for the brochure; the Polish partner will send a draft of the brochure and each partner will fill in words; the headings that will appear on the brochure will be “tourist attraction,” “homemade food” and “customs.”

The deadline: end of September.


The presentation which was prepared by the Romanian partner Mr. Nicolae Loghinas and included the summary of the first year was revised. Which courses to include was discussed. There are a lot of courses mentioned in the work programme and each partner is to consult to their NA to find out if there is a flexibility of the courses and if they can be adapted to the sources and conditions of the institutions.

All partners should also save examples of the certificates they give to the learners, the attendance sheets and signatures they take during the courses, because the NA might also demand them.

There will be a newsletter at the end of each project year. There will be a newsletter containing the activities of the first year. Cyprus will be responsible for the newsletter. It will only be 1-2 pages long and will contain group pictures, international workshops (the workshops held during the project meetings) and main activities.

The last item of the meeting was to determine the dates for the next project meetings. The dates for the next two meetings are decided as:


Turkey: 7-10 November 2013

Spain: 20-23 February 2014


There will be two more meetings; one in France and one in Cyprus but certain dates for those meetings will be finalized in Turkey. The date of the meeting in Cyprus is suggested as 17-20 July, but it has to be confirmed first.

Ms. Silva Blazulioniene closed the meeting with her best wishes..