Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa, Put Zlatnog rata 46, Isle of Brac, Bol, Croatia
09:15 9:30:
Welcome and Introduction to Agenda Items
hosted by TUW
09:30 10:00:
WP1: Status
quo of the Pre-Study Data Analysis (30) chaired by UTT
university partner[1] (TUW, USI,
UTT) will have 10 to report on the current status of the analysis on the
Pre-Study data.
10:00 10:45:
WP2: Discussion
of D2.1 Structure and Architecture and Glossary Elaboration (45) chaired by AVINOTEC
to present current version of D2.1and glossary terms so far defined. Consortium
to expand list of terms for the glossary and to collaboratively elaborate the
first draft of the glossary for the platform.
10:45 11:00:
Break (15)
13:00: WP2: Status quo of the Platform Development (120)
chaired by ILOGS
Each partner involved with development
(ILOGS, AVINOTEC, WEBINAGE, TUW, USI, UTT) will report on the current status of
the platform development. Report should make reference to:
implementation tasks has been assigned to them
has been done so far
issues are still open and are planned to be done until the mid-term review
the presentations the current status and next steps will be discussed and
Wednesday, Oct 1, 13:0014:30
Location: TBC
15:00: WP2: Status quo of the Platform Development (30)
chaired by ILOGS
Next steps will be wrapped up and
15:00 15:10:
WP4: Introduction to First Round Evaluation Activities Plan (10)
chaired by SOGL
ESE to give a
short introduction about what has been planned for the first round of
evaluation and the rationale for each proposed activity.
15:10 15:50:
WP4: Report on First Round Evaluation Activities (40) chaired by ESE
USI and SOPHIA will have 10 each to report on how things went with their first
round usability tests and second focus group ΰ Pictures, preliminary findings and so
forth illustrating the tests and the focus group activities are welcome.
15:50 16:10:
Break (20)
16:10 17:00:
WP3: Discussion of D3.1, status quo of WP3 Activities and planning of next
activities with the WP (50) chaired by USI
USI to report
on the activities within WP3, present and lead the discussion on D3.1 and
discuss next activities within the WP.
17:00 18:00:
WP6: Initial planning of Rehearsal Run for Mid-Term Review in November (60)
chaired by TUW
TUW to present
draft of agenda for Mid-Term review and to conduct discussion on preparations
of the Rehearsal run to be held November in Vienna.
Thursday, Oct 1, 20:00
Location: TBC
Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa, Put Zlatnog rata 46, Isle of Brac, Bol, Croatia
Thursday, Oct 2, 2014
9:15 18:00
9:45: WP5: Status quo of WP5 Activities and planning for D5.3 (30)
chaired by SOPHIA
partners to report on the recent dissemination activities they engaged in and
their plans for next dissemination activities especial report expected from
those who participated in the last AAL forum. SOPHIA to report on current
status of the TOPIC LinkedIn set up.
9:45 10:45:
WP5: Discussion about T5.3 and Business plan (60) chaired by WEBINAGE
report on what has already been done in terms of market analysis and talks in
and outside the communities. Note: Further
discussion on the professional care use cases and the relationship between them
and the business plan is expected.
10:45 11:00:
Break (15)
12:30: WP6: Further
planning of Rehearsal Run for Mid-Term Review in November and activities to be
done until then (90) chaired
by TUW
13:30: AOB (60)
chaired by TUW
Slot reserved
for discussion of any outstanding issues from the previous sessions and also
for planning for future collaborations.
Thursday, Oct 2, 13:30 15:00
Location: TBC
18:00: Work Groups
Several groups can be built to cooperatively work on several issues, mainly in
WP2 and preparation of mid-term review meeting.
Thursday, Oct 2, 19:00
Location: TBC
[1] When
end-users organisations were involved in the pre-study, the university partners
should share their time with them, or integrate their findings to the report.