Technology Meeting

Location:Town Hall of the 4th arrondissement of Paris(Mairie du 4ème arrondissement)[1]

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Report on Siegen’s Technology Meeting(10’)
One of the technology partners

·         What has been discussed in the meeting?

·         What decisions were made?

·         How things have progressed since then?


Report on the status quo of technology development(40’)

·         What has been done so far?

·         Is it already clear which products from each technology partner is relevant for TOPIC and how they can be integrated in the platform?

·         What devices have been acquired?

·         How many of each?

à Status of technology development


Discussion about the project devices and development environment (60’)
à Elaborated agreement on devices and development environment


Break (10’)


Discussion about the communication of requirements(60’)
between the university and technology partners

a.     Format of communication proposed by TUW (10’)

b.     Discussion on the proposal and elaboration of the communication format (50’)

à Elaborated agreement on ways of communication of requirements



Thursday, October 24, 12.15pm–2pm

Location: King Falafel at 26 rue des Rossiers.

Consortium Meeting

Location: Town Hall of the 4th arrondissement of Paris (Mairie du 4ème arrondissement)1

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Report on pre-study (30’)

·         the status quo of the pre-study,

·         preliminary results, and

·         2 ideas based on the data collected.


Notice: Each university partner must bring two A3-page posters.

·         Thefirst poster should contain data on the status quo of the pre-study

o   How many end users have signed the informed consent form?

o   How many observations have been carried out?

o   How many cultural probe kits have been distributed?

o   How many profile questionnaires have been administered?

o   How many Zarit’s questionnaires have been collected?

o   Preliminary resultsof the fieldwork (issues and patterns emerging from the data)

à Status quo of the pre-study in each country

à Preliminary results of the fieldwork in each country

·         The second poster should detail the 2 ideas for TOPIC platform. For each idea it should be provided:

o   a name

o   a short description (2-3 sentences and/or a picture to illustrate it)

o   source of the idea (interviews, observations, other products)

o   issues(open questions, pros, cons, challenges, implementation difficulties, etc.)

à 6 ideas for TOPIC platform


Elaboration of 3 storyboards(60’)

Based on a use case scenario for 3 ideas previously presented

·         One idea from each university partner will be selected and partners from a different country should think of a use case scenario for it and represent it in the format of a storyboard (e.g. German partners will work on UTT’s idea, French partners will work on TUW’s idea, Austrian partners will work on USI’s idea)

à 3 storyboards


Break (30 min)


Exploration of the storyboards (120’)

Presentation + brainstorming session per storyboard (each 40’)

During the brainstorm it should be discussed what would be involved in the implementation of the idea (i.e., the process: mock-ups à prototypes à products?)

à 3 explored storyboards



Thursday, October 24, 7.30pm

Consortium Meeting

Location: Réunica Group, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris[2]

Friday, October 25, 2013


Wrap up of Thursday’s activities (55’)

·         Short summary of preliminary results of the pre-study, 6 ideas, 3 storyboards (10’)

·         Based on these results,elaboration of task lists with time schedule and responsible partners (30’)à Consortium agreement

·         Communication of the agreements elaborated in the Technology Meetings (15’)
àConsortium agreement


Break (20’)


WP5 (75’)

·         D5.1final checkà Consortium agreement

·         Planning offuture dissemination activities
à A consolidated time schedule for next WP5activities

·         Websiteà Consortium agreement

·         Preliminary planning of D5.2 – Dissemination and exploitation report I (November)


Friday, October 25, 12pm–2pm

Location: Bistro 61, 61 rue d'Hauteville.


Friday, October 25, 2013

WP1 (90’)

·         D1.1 final checkà Consortium agreement

·         Discussion on the data artefacts being generated (shadowing and interview transcripts, cultural probe outcomes, etc.)

·         Planning of data analysis, updating the time schedule

·         Preliminary planning of D1.2 – Requirements to the functionality of CarePortfolio (November)


Break (30’)



·         D6.1 final checkà Consortium agreement

·         D6.2 final checkà Consortium agreement

·         Preliminary planning of D6.3 – Management report I (November)

·         Agreement on next Telco

·         Agreement on next face-to-face consortium meeting (time and location)

[1] The building is located in the centre of the city, next to the Hôtel de Ville of Paris.
Address: 2 place Baudoyer, 75181 Paris Cedex 04 (metro 1 and 11, Hôtel de ville).,+Paris&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&sll=48.874792,2.35072&sspn=0.004537,0.010568&oq=2+place+b&gl=fr&hnear=2+Place+Baudoyer,+75004+Paris,+Île-de-France&t=m&z=16

[2]Address: 7 cité Paradis, 75010 Paris (metro 4 Château d'eau or metro 7 Poissonnière/Cadet).é+paradis&ie=UTF8&ll=48.874792,2.35072&spn=0.004537,0.010568&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=7+Cité+Paradis,+75010+Paris&gl=fr&t=m&z=17