HeuritAge Steering Group Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 1-2 July 2010

Sintra (Portugal) – Host Organisation Olho Vivo



Name of project: HeuritAge

9 Partners: Belgium (Co-ordinator), Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom






Ivo Peeters, Lionel Missant (Belgium)

Loukia  Pavlidou, Dafni, electra (Cyprus)

Monique Epstein, Françoise Pettelat (France)

Anett Varga (Hungary)

Ana Afonso, Musa Kirhar (Italy)

Maria Jedlińska, Ewa Kosińska (Poland)

Joao Silva, George, madalene, Fernando (Portugal)

Rebecca Evans(UK)





Apologies and Introductions


Margaret Davies (UK) gave her apologies.  Introductions from all present.  

Also the Czech partner is apologised, being for one month in Moscow.

Welcome to new participants (Joao Silva, George, madalene, Fernando (Portugal), Musa Kirhar (Italy), Dafni, electra (Cyprus)



Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes were agreed


Matters Arising

Ivo reiterated the objectives of the project being,

-       ICT,

-       Senior Citizens

-       and  Heritage. 

-       Smaller 4th element being the English Language








ICT and senior citizens


UK, PL,CP,IT,FR and PT all have current courses for ICT.

From the UK a proposal for TEMPLATE was distributed after the Newport meeting to the partners.

From France some examples of short term courses/workshops are presented.

Also from France 9 subjects were proposed to form together a course “digital image”

1.       Use your digital camera (optimization settings)

2.       Transfer your images to the computer from a camera

3.       Scan a photo or an existing slide (using a scanner)

4.       Import from email or from the Web

5.       Edit Photo · (scratches, stains ...)

6.       Make special effects (soft focus, sepia ...)

7.       Create albums, slideshows, movies, montages

8.       Publish photos or albums on  paper, t-shirt (transfer),

            CD / DVD, USB, Internet

9.       Identify faces, geo-locate photos, add captions


Ivo suggested that besides this general approach of courses for senior citizens working with digital images, also the module of ‘digital heritage’ can be developed.     
Possible subjects in this module are:

  • Transfer images to computer from camera
  • Scan photo/slide using a scanner
  • Scan documents to PDF
  • Look at local www.heuritage.eu  platform
  • Create a log in
  • Upload pictures



- The template from UK will be used for the two modules:

-  Digital Images (9 subjects; with contributions from all partners.)

-  Heritage and computer

- A module is a course, created with using the professional template (UK), containing several subjects, and probably between 10 to 25 sessions long. (minimum 5 participants)

One or more subjects from a module can be used as workshop elements.

- The end product will be overseen by UWN.


To develop the subjects the project partnership will use FR ICT course examples.


Ivo stated that strictly ICT learners do not have to be participants to the Heuritage network, but national agencies I favourite to involve them in mobilities.

When the Heuritage platform exist, it can be used in different type of computer courses (using subjects from one or both modules developed); When used, content from the courses can be uploaded to the local internet platform. 


Partners (to start with Monique and Françoise) are asked to upload examples of ICT templates to a Heuritage google DOCS groups. (Also bring to next meeting).





It is anticipated that the platform will have a shelf life for 20yrs+ and will be maintained by the Heuritage network.


In the application was written that we will develop an “internet based multilingual heuritage platform”

The site that will be developed is based on a site already existing in Flanders (in Dutch language) as agreed in the Kick off meeting.

Multilingual; each partner will have the website in own language. The European heuritage level, partner sites must have short translation in English.  The website will be password controlled; each partner will be responsible to moderate their own site. There will be controls for ‘Author rights’ and privacy law, as used in several other heritage sites all over Europe.  The risk for problems in author rights is probably to neglect because most of the pictures will come from personal use of family. There will be possibility to upload photos, documents, magazines, movies.

There will not be the facility to upload songs and music.


Ivo gave a brief update UWNs’ contribution regarding the underestimated complexity of the work and lack of communication, resulting in the website not being functional


The only way to have the platform before the second year of the project is to ask the company who developed the existing site in Flanders, to write the new one. The cost of the new website is app. 16.000 Euros. 10.000 Euros has already been secured by Ivo (funding) and also the Belgian partner itself will bring in more. But besides this there is a need for a contribution from each partner organisation.


There was an open discussion in the group: some partners argument that no written agreement was made to contribute; others argument that general costs are common in LLP projects as also announced in the  kick off meeting in Budapest without knowing at that moment amounts  (on agenda: how spend and save money)


After discussion Ivo proposed to provide 3% of each partner global budget to cover the cost of the new web tool.


Ivo will seek sponsorship to maintain the platform after the project. For hosting data, there is a cost. It would be good if our project delivers a sustainable tool to be used in all partner countries and languages. But there will be a cost involved like all hosting sites.


Musa will also source cost proposals for the development of the platform. Because of urgently, Ivo will send him the necessary information asap.



-       The site will be developed as written in the application;

-       An eventual proposal from Musa will be evaluated in the next few days.

-       If not executable, each partner will provide 3 % of the funding for development.

(SIC: Musa (mail 07/07) received a proposal from a ICT company with an estimated cost of 14.000 euro, and start development in September.
So the proposal with a participation of 3% of the cost by the partners stays and the order will be given to the Belgium Company- ).


Ivo suggested that each country have their own website that will have links to the main platform



4th Mobility – Cyprus

Date: October? 7th-9th 2010

7th = arrival

8th = full work day

9th = half workday

Theme: to be confirmed later


5th Mobility – Italy (Palermo)

Date: January 19th-21st  2011

19th = arrival day

Theme: to be confirmed later


6th Mobility – Brussels, Belgium

Date: June 2011

30th  of June and 1rst of July = 2 full days

Theme: Project dissemination at EU levels























































Anett to set up heuritage google groups docs


All partners









































Musa to circulate proposals








Yet to be agreed by all partners




Any Other Business







Date of Next Meeting

Cyprus 7th October 2010







SGM: Steering Group Meeting

Project length: 2 years 1st August 2009 – 31st July 2011



Action Points


Set up heuritage google groups docs


To source other quotes for website development


Develop internet platform before next meeting


Create or improve examples of ICT course subjects


coordinate final template ‘digital images’


Coordinate template ‘computer and heritage’


Propose meeting details (accommodation…)
