SenApp / Seniors
Learning with Apps
Presents :
Monique Epstein - ESE
Ariane Girault - ESE
Estelle Ziegler - ESE
Dr. Georgeta Chirlesan - GIE
Dr. Dumitru Chirlesan - GIE
Pilar Escuder Mollon - SCU
Roger Esteller Curto - SCU
Paul Held - ILI
Sonia Hetzner - ILI
Jesus Copado - ILI
Amrei Tenckhoff-Eckhardt -ILI
Angela Kochel -ILI
Day 1
1) Welcome at ILI
Paul Held presents
ILI and the cities.
2) Individual partner presentation and “breaking
the ice”
ILI – Innovation in Learning
Institute (partner n°1)
FAU – Friedrich – Alexander
University of Erlangen – Nuremberg Germany
More than 60 000 users of the elearning platform (existing since 7
years). The platform is also used during
EU projects. It is password protected, but it is an open source software.
E-Seniors – France
(partner n°2)
Group for European
Integration (partner n°4)
Presentation of Group for European Integration (Romania) : Founded in 2002. NGO created by university professors of Pitesti. Main goal : contibute to the integration process of EU by educational actions.
Lifelong learning
programme Universitat Jaume I – Castellon, Spain (partner n°3)
Seniors citizen University exist in Castellon : classes in the city of Castellon but also in rural area.
Coffee break
WP1 – Project
Management – ILI (Project month 1 to 24)
Presentation of the projects, its objectives,
work plan, deliverables, and role of partners
Guidelines for communication between partners
Presentation of proposals for log
D1.1 Partner Agreement signed by all partners
due to 31.01.2014
D1.3 Interim Report due to 31.01.2015
D1.2 IPR Agreement and D1.4 Final Report due to
end 2015
Administrative and financial issues
With Angela Kochel
New handbook, Angela will send us the link to the handbook.
Call 2013 rules:
ILI will have an
audit to asses how changes have impact on coordinators and partners.
Statement needed on the behalf of our organization to explain the current procedure, most detailed possible. Use real daily rate, internal policy on salaries, time sheet (Germany will provide us a standard time sheet that we can use but it is not mandatory, we can use ours), employment contracts, proove of payment (salaries, taxes, social services…). Audit will happen at the end of the project.
Ex: staff cost = to
be careful with daily rate
Cf: guidance notes /
Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report Type 1
- Real daily rate
- Intern policy on
- Time sheet
- Employment contract
- True of payment of
the salary
- True travel costs
- Subcontracting
<1000€ = just of
1000€ / 15OOO€ = need
of tender which explains the needs + offer that answers the tend
Lunch break
SenApp – Project overview
LLP 2013 Grundtvig
Budget: 345.346€
Grant EC: 258.906€
Start 1.1.2014 –
Partners: P1 = ILI /
P2 = ESE / P3 = SCU / P4 = GIE
Developing a training APP(s) for seniors
In 4 Countries and Languages
Competent and self-directed use of ICT
LMS mobile, for APPs
People with non-user
Start with us thanks
to our support
Mean approach:
distance spaces but it can be adapted in each country (with local activities)
I-pad or Samsung
tablet may be used – preference for I-pad / decision must be made later on
SenApp: Target Group
eExcluded Seniors due to
emotional fears or unmotivated
mobility restricted
diverse impairments or disabilities
SenApp: Products
a) Mobile learning
environment dedicated to Tablet PC as a training App
1) ICT-Concepts
2) application of
concepts for a certain system
b) 25 Learning units
1) Conceived and
tailored to the learning needs of seniors in 4 countries
2) Multimedia-enriched
didactic elements
c) Authoring Guidelines and
Implementation eBook
Ø Milestone 1:
Pedagogical and technical concept = M4 – M6
Ø Milestone 2:
ready to use training (Apps) and online environment = M12 – M21
Ø Milestone 3:
Evaluation of the training and contents = M21 – M24
Ø Milestone 4:
Ready to adopt Sustainability concepts
User-centered concept: method used
Theorical Background
Ø Andragogy
(Knowles, 1970, 2005)
Ø Activity Theory
Ø Connectivism
Ø Mobisen
SenApp Overview – Work
WP1: Project management – ILI
WP2: Pedagogical Concept and app
design – SCU
WP3: Technical development &
Implementation – GIE
WP4: Content development and
localization – ILI
WP5: Testing and piloting – ESE
WP6: Quality monitoring and
evaluation – SCU
WP7: Dissemination - ILI
WP8: Exploitation – GIE
SenApp :
Ø Mailing
list :
Ø Website :
Ø At the
beginning monthly flash-meeting, later on every second month if adequate
Ø File exchange
via Dropbox
Ø Continuous partners’
SenApp Logo Proposals
Logo 4 chosen
Ø 2nd
Meeting – July 3rd and 4th 2014 = Castellon / Spain
Ø 3rd
Meeting –February 19th and 20th 2015 = Paris / France
Ø Final Meeting –
September / October 2015 = Rumania / Pitesti
4) WP2: Pedagogical concept & design – SCU
(1.1.2014 to 30.6.2014 / 6 months)
Learning design
Ø Theoretical
Ø User-centered
Ø Didactical
Ø Curriculum
Ø Support-tutoring
Ø Technology
Ø Training
Ø Evaluation
Ø Valorization
Presentation of Mo bisen project
(ILI former project)
SCU suggest its methodology
Discussion about the work to done
for 1st deliverable. (Cf TO DO)
5) WP3: Technical Development (ILI and GIE)
Development of the technical concept
Election of basic software (training
and content development)
Learning platform selection
Learning platform development
Interface between apps and LMS
Authoring process from a technical
GIE presents its ideas
Methodology discussion:
- what the technical concept will
- which will be the format of the
technical concept?
- what is the technical work flow?
Day 2
1) WP3: Platform Adaptation
2) WP4: Content Development
3) WP5: Testing and piloting
ESE will present its PPT at the next
consortium meeting
4) WP6: Quality monitoring and evaluation
- peut-on impliquer les seniors du cours “tablet”?
Ø 17 février: feedback on first version of
Du 4 mars au 21 mars: 2 interviews + Focus Groups
- 2 trainers
3/5 seniors from 3 groups (no experience +
basical experience + advanced experience) = 9/15
Ø 31 mars : report on interview/questionnaire made with:
Flash Meeting
Ø 26 février
Test Plan
Ø to suggest one before
the next Consortium Meeting