Kick-off meeting agenda | 23rd and 24th of January 2014 | Fürth/Germany

Venue: Institute for Innovation in Learning, Dr. Mack-Str. 77, Technikum 2, 3rd Floor
90762 Fürth, Germany,

Agenda: Thursday 23rdth of January 2014



Welcome by ILI




Individual partner presentation and “breaking the ice”
It is up to the individual partner, if a power point presentation is suitable or not.


10.15 – 10:45

Coffee break







WP1 - Project Management | ILI

·         Presentation of the project, its objectives, work plan, deliverables, and role of partners

·         Guidelines forcommunicationbetweenpartners

·         Presentation of proposals for logo

·         Administrative and financial issues

Project month 1 to 24




WP2 –Pedagogical Concept and game design | SCUand ILI

·         Presentation of the aims of the WP

·         Methodology and time table discussion

·         D2.1: Pedagogical and tutoring concept due to 30.04.2014
including a user needs analysis, desk research, expertise of WP leader

·         D2.2: Training App concept /D2.2 due to 31.05.2014

Project month 1 to 6

12:45 – 14:30

Lunch break



WP3 –Technical development and implementation | ILI and GIE

·         Presentation of the aims of the WP

·         Methodology and time table discussion

·         D3.1 Technical concept for SenApp due to 31.05.2014

·         D3.2 Training environment and training App due to 31.09.2014

Project month 4 to 18



WP4 – Content development & localization | ILI

·         Presentation of the aims of the WP

·         Methodology and time table discussion

·         D4.1 Curriculum and pedagogical design due to 30.09.2014

·         D4.2 Learning Units due to 31.03.2015

Project month 4 to 21






16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break





WP5 – Testing and piloting | ESE

·         Presentation of the aims of the WP

·         Methodology and time table discussion

·         D5.1 Testing design due to 30.11.2014

·         D5.2 Piloting design due to 31.03.2015

·         D5.3 Piloting due to 31.07.2015

                Project month 8 to 23







WP6 – Quality monitoring and evaluation  | SCU

·         Presentation of the aims of the WP

·         Methodology and time table proposal

·         D6.1 Evaluation plan due to 28.02.2014

·         D6.2 Interim Evaluation Report due to 31.12.2014

·         D6.3 Final Evaluation Report due to 30.11.2015

                                                                                             Project month 1 to 24


Summary of the day and end of 1st meeting day

Social Dinner: 19:30



Agenda: Friday24th of January 2014



Arrival at meeting venue | Potential pending issues from previous day


12:00 – 16:15

Coffee break



WP7 – Dissemination  | ILI

·         Presentation of the aims of the WP

·         Methodology and time table proposal

·         D7.1 Dissemination plan due to 30.04.2014

·         D7.2 Website due to 31.03.2014

·         D7.3 Final Evaluation Report due to 30.11.2015

                Project month 1 to 24

10:15 – 11:00


Summary of the kick off meeting and follow ups



End ofourmeeting