SenApp Minutes of CM n°2
3-4 July 2014
Castellon - Spain
- Ariane (ESE)
- Estelle (ESE)
- Vincente (Universitat Jaume I)
- Carlos (Universitat Jaume I)
- Roger (Universitat Jaume I)
- Pilar (Universitat Jaume I)
- Sonia (Institut für Lern-Innovation),
- Stefania (Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana)
- Andrei (Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana)
Day 1: Thursday, July 3th
Welcome at SCU
- Short presentation
from each participant as there are new participants from GIE and the
WP1 -
Project Management | ILI
Ø Check up – everything in line with the project plan,
its objectives, work plan, deliverables, and role of partners
Guidelines for
communication between partners
Ø Administrative and financial issues
- Ask to Angela
- ESE will have a deeper look this summer
and will send a first version
Ø Next Meeting in Paris: ESE would like to change the
dates for the next meeting from February 19th and 20th 2015 to either on
February 12th and 13th or on February 26th and 27th?
- As not all Romanian partners are here,
Ariane will suggest a doodle
Ø D1.1 Partner Agreement signed by all partners due to 31.01.2014
Ø D1.2 IPR Agreement by everybody
Ø Interim Report due to 31.01.2015
WP2 – Pedagogical Concept | SCU and ILI
Ø Presentation of the results of the interviews and
focus groups
- PPT presentation will be on Drop Box
Ø Discussion and conclusions of the results within the
Ø D2.1 Pedagogical and tutoring concept due to
including a user needs analysis, desk research, expertise of WP leader
Ø D2.2 Training App concept due to 30.06.2014
WP3 – Technical development and implementation | ILI
and GIE
Ø Presentation of first technical developments
Ø Requirements for further development (interactive
- (static
website with external resources, e.g. Forums)
- (moodle) /
click on Access as guest: password “guest”
- Each partner must decide if they use
both (Android and Ipad) or just one and which one
- ESE will use Android
- Need to say explicitly to people to have
internet at home
Ø D3.1 Technical concept for SenApp due to 30.06.2014
- A copy is given
Ø D3.2 Training environment and training App due to
Lunch Break
WP4 – Content development & localization | ILI
Ø Presentation of
the authoring tool and first eLearning unit
Ø Authoring guidelines ( Interactive session)
ESE mentioned that they
are concerned about the costs of an CAPTIVATE. Sónia mentioned that
we will look for a solution within the budget of the project. Development of a
possible curriculum (interactive session)
Ø Discussion about improvements within the partnership
- Regarding the
contents we’ll look at the list and we’ll agree on it by the end of July
- We will develop the aims of tasks
- Community building: important for
seniors, like a forum, we initiate it and seniors animate it
- Be careful with security about contents
- We’ll see if we can use speech too on
the platform and on the forum, would be better
Ø D4.1 Curriculum and pedagogical design due to 30.09.2014
Ø D4.2 Learning Units due to 30.04.2015
WP7 – Dissemination
Plan approved by all partners
Ø Website: Final discussion about the design
- ESE will finish the French translation
by the end of next week
Ø Brochure: Discussion about design and content and
Ø D7.1 Dissemination plan due to 31.05.2014
Ø D7.2 Website due to 30.04.2014
Ø D7.3 Final Dissemination Report due to 31.12.2015
Ø D7.4 Project Brochure due to 30.06.2014
Social Dinner
Day 2: Friday, July 4th
WP5 – Testing and piloting | ESE
Ø Presentation of a first proposal
- ESE PPT presentation on Drop Box
- Each partner is free to choose its
target group (users level 0 & users level 1)
- Classroom training and on-line training
(each partner decides how to organize)
- Need of a trainer: no need to be expert,
need to have good pedagogical skills, to be emphatic
- The trainer will be available by e-mail
and by phone / He will tell to users when is his avaibility
- The trainer will support the seniors
with face to face meeting or with online meeting
- 10 modules during 5 weeks: to be
- Need of glossary
- Age range: not job skills oriented, no
special impairment (explain why)
- Some users will have their own tablet
Ø Discussion about improvements within the partnership
Ø D5.1 Testing design due to 15.12.2014
- ESE will submit a first drift by
September 2014
Ø D5.2 Piloting design due to 30.04.2015
D5.3 Piloting
due to 31.08.2015
WP6 – Quality monitoring and evaluation | SCU
Ø Project evaluation within the partnership
- An external evaluator who will evaluate
our project regarding qualitative management is present and makes an evaluation
of our project so far. He makes some remarks to improve our qualitative
- Flash meeting issue: Sonia will send us
an e-mail to check if our computer is well configured. We’ll try another time
and if it’s not working we’ll change the tool of communication.
Ø D6.1 Evaluation plan due to 31.03.2014
- A copy is given
Ø D6.2 Interim Evaluation Report due to 31.01.20115
Ø D6.3 Final Evaluation Report due to 31.12.2015
WP8 –
Ø D8.1 Exploitation Plan
- GIE submit a first version / A copy is
Summary of the
meeting and follow ups
- Sonia will send us the
minutes with the updated to do list