SUC – Start-Up Communities

Consortium Meeting n°3

May 29th and 30th 2014 – Nicosia / Cyprus


Wednesday 28th May 2014


·        Dinner with partners



Thursday 29th May 2014


·        Opening by ENIA, Will Evans and Paolo Montemuro


·        Research findings (all the researches and presentation are in Dropbox)


Ø  Amery Brothers presentation & FIG(United-Kingdom)

Ø  Euroconto (Bulgaria)

Ø  E-Juniors (France)

Ø  AJEV (Spain)





Coffee Break



·        Presentation, Mr. Andreas Koupparis: chairman, Cyprus Business Angels Network


·        Research findings (all the researches and presentation are in Dropbox)


Ø  EU Fundraising Assoc. & EMCRA (Germany)

Ø  Konya Uni (Turkey)


Lunch Break at the hotel restaurant





·        Ms. Stavriana Kofteros, Special Adviser on Entrepreneurship, RDI & Deputy Press Spokesperson at Democratic Rally


·        Research findings (all the researches and presentation are in Dropbox)


Ø  Inovamais (Portugal)

Ø  Kulttuuricampus (Finland)

Ø  Materahub (Italy)



Coffee Break


·        Partner Organization presentations

Each partner has 3 minutes to present its company and activities


·        Dinner at Zannetos Restaurant



Friday 30th May 2014


·        Communication Strategy by Paolo Montemuro


Ø  Logo

It is on Dropbox and must be used


Ø  Website:

Before using it, we need to full it. Topics are divided and distributed to all partners. Paolo will send individual mails for validation.


Ø  Newsletter

Will be done. We need to build a list of contacts.


Ø  Social networks:

Twitter, Linked, Facebook, etc. Each partner is asked to use its social networks and to share it (especially the content of the blog) for the project.


Ø  Articles to be written

An email will be send regarding the attribution of topics of articles to be written by each partner. An article must not exceed 450 words.


Ø  Rename of the project

ST.UP.COM. has been chosen


Important: need to communicate organization information for the invoice!



·        “The creation and growth of an entrepreneurial ecosystem”, Mr. Michael Tyrimos COO, Exelia Technologies (Cyprus, South Africa), Co-founder, Synups, Executive Board Member, Cypriot Enterprise Link





Coffee Break

·        “Promoting the early stages of the Start-up Communities Concept”

Discussion based on research conducted


·        SUC Project Management by Will Evans


Ø  Next mobilities:

- Finland = February 19th and 20th 2015 (à changer car CM SenApp à Paris!)

- Turkey = May 14th and 15th 2015 (à changer car le 14 c’est férié –ascension – et moi j’ai un CM COBUSVET le 12 et le 13 mai!)

- Bulgaria = July 23th and 24th 2015 (C’est bon! Ouf!)


Ø  Intermediate Report

The coordinator will circulate the common part


Ø  Evaluation


·        Handout of certificates of attendance