SUC – Start-Up
Consortium Meeting n°3
May 29th
and 30th 2014 – Nicosia / Cyprus
Wednesday 28th May 2014
with partners
Thursday 29th May 2014
by ENIA, Will Evans and Paolo Montemuro
findings (all the researches and presentation are in Dropbox)
Ø Amery Brothers presentation &
Ø Euroconto (Bulgaria)
Ø E-Juniors (France)
Ø AJEV (Spain)
Coffee Break
Mr. Andreas Koupparis: chairman, Cyprus Business Angels Network
findings (all the researches and presentation are in Dropbox)
Ø EU Fundraising Assoc. & EMCRA (Germany)
Ø Konya Uni (Turkey)
Lunch Break at the hotel restaurant
Stavriana Kofteros, Special Adviser on Entrepreneurship, RDI & Deputy Press
Spokesperson at Democratic Rally
findings (all the researches and presentation are in Dropbox)
Ø Inovamais (Portugal)
Ø Kulttuuricampus (Finland)
Ø Materahub (Italy)
Coffee Break
Organization presentations
Each partner has 3 minutes to present its
company and activities
Dinner at Zannetos Restaurant
Friday 30th May 2014
Strategy by Paolo Montemuro
Ø Logo
It is on
Dropbox and must be used
Ø Website:
using it, we need to full it. Topics are divided and distributed to all
partners. Paolo will send individual mails for validation.
Ø Newsletter
Will be
done. We need to build a list of contacts.
Ø Social networks:
Twitter, Linked, Facebook, etc. Each
partner is asked to use its social networks and to share it (especially the
content of the blog) for the project.
Ø Articles to be written
An email
will be send regarding the attribution of topics of articles to be written by
each partner. An article must not exceed 450 words.
Ø Rename of the project
has been chosen
need to communicate organization information for the invoice!
creation and growth of an entrepreneurial ecosystem”, Mr. Michael Tyrimos COO,
Exelia Technologies (Cyprus, South Africa), Co-founder, Synups, Executive Board
Member, Cypriot Enterprise Link
Coffee Break
the early stages of the Start-up Communities Concept”
Discussion based on research conducted
Project Management by Will Evans
Ø Next mobilities:
- Finland
= February 19th and 20th 2015 (à
changer car CM SenApp à Paris!)
- Turkey = May 14th and 15th 2015 (à changer car le 14 c’est férié –ascension – et moi j’ai un CM COBUSVET le 12 et le 13 mai!)
- Bulgaria
= July 23th and 24th 2015 (C’est bon! Ouf!)
Ø Intermediate Report
coordinator will circulate the common part
Ø Evaluation
of certificates of attendance