Agenda and timetable

Tampere, Finland 18-20.2.2015

Topic: Innovative methods of Entrepreneurship training as a part of academic education and VET



Wednesday 18th February

2000- 2300        Social kick-off to mobility at Tampere centre . Tapas, drinks and good times. Restaurant Inez (Address:Pellavatehtaankatu 19 Tampere)


Thursday 19th February

800-900             Breakfast

915-930             Introduction to topic

930-1000           “Co-operations in Finland” Case studies how we use this form of entrepreneurship

1000-1200         Esta database, project management, monitoring

1200-1300         Lunch

1300-1500         Visit Ahlmann VET school and its entrepreneurship education methods

1500-1530         Coffee break

1600-1800         Discussion in small groups: best practice from research

1800-1900         Dinner


1900-                  Sauna, evening snack, discussions, more sauna


Friday 20th February

800-900             Breakfast

915-945             Transport to Proakatemia by cars/taxi

945-1200           Visit Proakatemia Entrepreneurship school in Tampere centre. Meet with students, following students training sessions, practical introduction to team learning.

1215                    Lunch in Tampere centre 


End of mobility