The 3rd Consortium Meeting of SONOPA

17/06/2014 – 18/06/2014 in Bilbao


Meeting Minutes by E-Seniors



1st Day


First points before the meeting starts:

·        Presentations of the participants

·        Abotic is now lead by Robert as the two other directors resigned but now things are starting to work

·        WP4 WP leader has changed: E-Seniors is now leader



1.    WP2 User requirements (Christina and Somaya)


A.   Results of the user requirements study

·        Which benefits: feedback given by the user and the response given by the partners: these points are very important when developing the solutions and these points should be

·        SmS: A demo for a “folded action” that we could very easily incorporate into our project (implemented with Bluetooth and sensors)

·        ST: The term “folded action” need to be used with attention as it can lead to the “false positives”

·        All the technology should be involved in the first trial set and then evaluate it and fine-tune the system before the second trial phase: during this meeting it should be good to have a common understanding about the things that we wish to have for the trials.

·        System will be controlled by the user: closed or open network? What are the balances between the functionalities we choose do to.

·        We focus on home environment: how the technologies are adapted in to this environment?

·        Assistative technology is not a user-friendly term: we should focus on the social network and then link it with useful functionalities

·        The cooking should be only a small part of the system

·        Training and support are very important: the partners will need have a backup plan for this

·        During the second test phase: we should have talks with insurance companies and see what are the business plan opportunities with them and study what are their requirements: talk with them when we have the first prototype


About the Fall detection – should it be included in the service?

·        The fall detection could be an additional benefit for the product even though it is not directly related; according to the results from the end-user studies.

·        We need to discuss what we are going to test during the tests and the next steps.

·        SmS: For instance Philips has a fall detection and they earn their profits from the service after sell. They service has a big problem with the false fall. So in our project we could benefit from the social network  


B.   Future Direction of User Studies


·        SuaS: responsible for the field trial plan

·        Number of Households: maximum 10 households in each country as the material is very expensive and this cost has not seen: at least 2.400e for one household the complete installation but at this stage it is research equipment

·        After the first phase T4.1, we can have a better understanding about the number of households to be involved

·        The number of 10 can be broken down in multiple iterations, this maybe give us even more efficient feedback

·        In general, the rule is at least 6 weeks of human-iteration testing

·        At least 2-field trial cycles

·        ESE: All the technological field trial should be planned before the end-user trials so that we can be sure that the system works before we give it for the users

·        In case of a technical problem, there should be a specified procedure and contact point

·        Who is responsible of the integration progress of the system and writing the manual? This is not written in the proposal and this is the most important point and should be decided at this stage: who is responsible for this?



·        UD: Recommendation Module: recommendations among two persons: Could be tested during the Spring 2015 (starting from January 2015)


Dissemination Report

·        Should be updated by all the partners

·        One paragraph could be written each time when a partner participates in a conference etc. And also some pictures should be included

·        More news items

·        The Dutch NCP: communication is very important

·        SmS will outsource of desing of the flyer as they have some budget for the flyer: the logos of the local NCPs should be downloaded in the iMinds and in the flyer


2.    WP3 Development of the SONOPA modules


A.   Results of update for Human Mobility Monitoring in a Very Low Resolution Visual Sensors (iMinds)

·        Visual sensors and experiences for so far: some problems such as the bad quality of video data with the firmware but iMinds develop these firmware problems

·        The quality of the picture on the video is not good but good enough to use the iMinds algorithms

·        Service flat of the CM in Dendermonde, Belgium; the user has had big health troubles

·        ESE: For the WP4 Field Trial Plan: In what kind of environments we wish to test (service flats, independent houses?...) and what are the requirements for the sensors in the test environment?  

·        In the service flat: 10 silicams that catch useful data between May and September 2014, 2 computers, Data server, 80BG/day, Remote control, Biweekly visits, Diary (when goes to sleep and when visits and how many persons, when he eats, problems for walking...)

·        Installation in the UK: sitting room, dining room, stair case...

·        People tracking: so far the results have been satisfying

·        The behaviour tracking: mobility statistics


B.   Current Status of the SONOPA controller (DeustoU)

·        Starting from next week, Aitor will start to contact all the technical partners so that the different sensors can be integrated in the system.

·        It would be good to have a list of features that will be realized for the field trials: Claus will do this list

·        Wilfried will put on iMinds some mousecam data updates

·        TO DO: continue with the integration + task deliverable



C.   Current Status of the SONOPA Social Network (DO)

·        DO has had big trouble with the social website

·        At the moment it is a very basic, done with an open source

·        A closed will be used

·        Practical features to be incorporated in this network

·        The network will be develop a bit mire and then the partners will provide their contribution for the functionalities


D.   Current Status of the Activity Recognition Task (DU)

·         Check PPT


3.    WP4 Field Trials (ESE)

·         Same diary in Belgium than in UK? Yes, the University of Saxion can translate.

·         Sensor installation in first week of August said Wilfred Philips (IMinds, U Gent). The same thing for Smart Signs.


·         What kind of quality is the internet connection at the UK users house?


WP2 User Requirements (ESE)

·        Deadline: 31st of July 2014, feedbacks before 30th of June but it’s possible to extend the deadline of one week (regarding on Somaya’s remark!).

·        Ethical Issues included in the system architecture document and also the D2.3 will be update along the project


4.    SONOPA Committee Meeting


·         A simplified demonstration of SONOPA (according to the last Committee meeting)


Midterm review

·         Mid-term review in November 2014: this should be a two day meeting: the first day rehearsal and the second day the actual review.

·         We should agree a date as soon as possible so that everybody is available for the review > a doodle will be set

·         We should foresee a demo and examples of the sensors that we deploy in the system

·         It could be in Brussels and the meeting room options should be checked


External advisory committee

·        SuaS and Sms will contact  the Dutch NCP to see if he can help with finding an external committee

·        The next steps would be that all the partners contact their network members that could be interesting and interested in participating to provide their feedback in a external advisory board committee meeting



2nd Day


5.    WP5 Dissemination, Marketing and Business Plan


A.   T5.3 Business and Marketing Strategy Plans

·        Definitions: User, Customer, Stakeholder

·        Descriptions: IT related real world

·        Requirements: User, Stakeholder

·        How can me match all these different principals and create a viable service?


Do we also have a stakeholder?

·        Are funders, such as insurance companies, our stakeholder? è We should define what is our stakeholders


ð  Different groups should be defined within the group of stakeholders:

·        Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Users è this should be elaborated in each country

·        Each partner could include a list of the most important stakeholders

·        Customers: insurance in companies, public organizations, elderly care organizations   

·        All the possible stakeholders should be scanned and study their requirements for such a product as SONOPA

·        Before contacting the stakeholders, SmS will produce the new flyer

·        We should also have a presentation with lot of pictures in order to show how the installation could look like

·        About the product, the consortium need to agree about what we want to sell: this idea must be very clear before we start contacting all the tertiary stakeholders


B.   Exploitation Strategy

ð  See ppt


General issues

·        Next Consortium meeting

December 2014: Vienna  - a doodle poll will be sent for the dates.

Exploitation Board: this will be kicked off when Abotic has a new manager


·        Discussion about fall detection

If we have fall detection, can we call it detection: because if we do detection we need to provide a service behind.