Consortium meeting n° 4 SEACW
Barcelona 16th July 2014
· Coordination review
Achievements of 2nd
semester thanks to a good coordination (good commitment of partners, no
deviations of work plan...), deliverables (only 2 small delays, all
deliverables approved) and pilots.
ü Goals and key issues for 3rd
Ecosystem: attractive
contents, new ideas, proper testing…
Protection: ensure
data protection, ethics and privacy (legal advices), responsibilities of
Pilots: reach 15000
users, feedback to the ecosystem improvement (D1.7)
commercial exploitation, social media
Business: reach
multipliers and new commercial relations (Aliad is doing this work, and each
partner in each country has to do mailing to reach new multipliers and not only
allied entities), self sustainability (also important for the business plan).
Ana Maria is going to
give some contacts from organisations all over Europe to reach more users.
Myriam L. suggests
each partner has an account to make changes on the ecosystem. So, UC3M will
prepare some account for each partner.
Communicate next
information to Aliad:
UC3M need to have the
username of people from E-Seniors level 1 and 2 in order to add and modify
contents on the ecosystem.
Courses added in
English and Spanish, and other languages will be available in one or two weeks.
Ethics: legal advice issues
Thursday it will be
completed, than translated and implemented and it should be check in all
countries to see if it fits with the law of each countries.
Pilots cannot start
until legal advice text is completed and implemented in all languages, so each
partner has to focus on this task (and then, after the translation, it has to
be checked by the lawyer of each country).
Terms and conditions will need to be translated
in all languages (the document should be sent quickly to all the partners for
translation and they need to check the law of each country and change the
document if necessary… (in France, we will make the declaration to the CNIL et
translate the terms and conditions (legal advice) and show them to a lawyer to
check if it fits with the French law)
ü Word done by partners and
Partners begun
explaining the work achieved so far but as discussion took time Aliad decided
to focus more on the questions.
Ariane asked that the Uvic shows clearly on the
different courses they produced their logo to indicate clearly that they have a
scientific value and they are able to produce scientific contents.
About the courses digitalized by Uvic, the
courses translated in the partners languages are not correctly formatted, Uvic
will work on this.
Problems with data
protection of the users if the diploma is included on the ecosystem, so it has
to be checked. For pilots for level 3, an email can be sent to users to ask
them to send their private information to obtain the diploma later after the
Diplomas will not be
available for September. Besides, in the DOW, it was discussed about a European
certification and it is really ambitious. So, a new kind of certificates has to
be created. A certificate of attendance can be created and think for the future
to a more ambitious certificate.
Concerning the French
universities, the only kind of certificate we can have is something like C2i.
GIP can make a certificate.
In the pilots, some
people will fulfil the whole course and receive a certificate and some other
will not because they only do the pilot simply (and not go further).
For Ana Maria, if a
pilot user wants to have a real diploma, it has a cost…
For Ana Maria, to get
a real diploma, the user will need to pay, the only thing he could get for free
will be a simple certificate of attendance.
For Cristiana
(Sigla), the confirmation of attendance could be automatic but a
certification/diploma, not.
For Alessandro, a
declaration at the end of the pilot test, different questions about what the
users has learnt can be useful but a confirmation of attendance is useless.
Ø A team will be created by Aliad for
the confirmation of attendance and on other for the certification.
Break Time
ü Discussion with Alessandro during break time:
For pilots in France,
we have to reach “services à domicile” (like ADMR, O2…) and retirement homes
(particularly nurses, caregivers…). And we should organize as much as possible
on-line pilots. Sigla is going to lose users and AE if the project continues to
have delays, but also because their will not be certificates ready for pilots…
· Project review: status and activities
ü General needs for 3rd
Ø Moderate needs
- Apps, courses
- Coordination of new
releases (updates of the ecosystem)
- FAQ (will need to
be translated in all partners’ languages)
- Level 1 feedback
Ø Urgent needs
- Intensify internal
- Contact for support
- Local contents
- Data protection
- Legal advice
- Market place
- Pilots
ü Other issues
Ø Sigla apps
Sigla need data from
AE from each partner to develop the apps for France and need to know the apps
chosen by France. France sent again the e-mail already sent to Jorge regarding
the choice. About the data, we need to see what kind of information they need
and evaluate if it is useful or not.
Ø Courses
French translation problem:
Need to solve French
translation issue as soon as possible to get the 3 missing courses.
Need to find a
translator (UTT).
New digitalization
voiced: 500 euros (translation not included). E-Seniors will talk and decide
internally and is not sure that Monique agrees on it. Maybe we should find
another cheaper solution. Need to have the voice courses otherwise it’s
disturbing for the users.
One solution could be
that E-Seniors translate and Malek (UTT) finds a technical tool for the voice.
Other courses on the platform:
As the catalogue has
been entirely translated, you have a small sum up and you can subscribe to
course but after you have an error message, and of course you cannot follow the
course as it is not translated in French, so the solution is that a link to the
course in English will be included (UC3M will do it).
Ø Market place
For attracting users to the ecosystem through
products and services focused on active and healthy ageing.
Need of the
sustainability of SEACW ecosystem.
Ø Internal testing
Intensify internal
testing (correct mistakes, enrich ecosystem)
Ø Statistics of SEACW platform visits
Each partner will
receive each Friday the statistics about the visits on the ecosystem.
UC3M is going to
define how each partner can see the users who are visiting the website and by
regions (using filters) and then we will receive each Friday the numbers of
users for France.
Ø Contact data for pilots support
Fundamental for
pilots, still needed, only Italy has one for now. ESE has to send one email address. And this
email address (support@aha...) has to be on every document or advertisement
about the plateforme and particularly documents for pilots. ESE has sent email
addresses from Anne-Claire, Ariane and Estelle.
Ø Local contents
More contents needed,
adapted to the local necessities and cultures (EU demand), attract interest
from local users.
Ø Pilots
15june-15 July: test the ecosystem level 1, provide feedback
(done by ESE but need to be done constantly)
15 july-1 September: test the ecosystem level 2, provide feedback
(impossible for France), gather users for September, other actions.
1 september-30 November: test the ecosystem level 3; provide
feedback, local authorities, training database.
Ø Number of users
Question from France:
Can we reduce the number of end-users or delay the end of the pilots until the
end of December?
Officially the pilot
finish at the end of November, so feedbacks have to be sent at the end of November
but we can still test SEACW platform until end of January.
For Sigla, we need
more time and the problem is to involve new people. The solution is not only
extended time but also make the system more attractive and simplifies the
registration process.
Ø Registration Issue
SIGLA made a proposal
about registration:
- Not registered
users can access: SEE(all contents); LEARN (only 2 first slides), INTERACT
(only search), survey( asks for the registration at the end).
- Registered users
without email or with not confirmed email can access: SEE (all contents); LEARN
(all courses but without diploma), INTERACT (ask friendship, but not
communicating and not editing), survey (allowed).
- Registered users
can access all contents from SEE, get diplomas thanks to LEARN, edit profile,
communicate with friends and upload contents from INTERACT, survey: allowed.
French made another
- French partners
suggested keeping the signature of elderly people on the consent agreement and
attendance sheet as a proof as user. Ana Maria says that the important thing is
to reach the 15000 users, so we have to simplify the way to test the ecosystem
for the users and not make them fill in too much things.
Other issues related
to this topic
- The problem is that
users from AE can fill in the wrong item (and enter the wrong AE), so the AE
want to be sure, the users will fill in correctly and enter the AE they belong
to. It is the same for the different regions in France for example.
- Users must be
previously registered in the A4HA ecosystem.
Ø Access to SEACW ecosystem after the
AE needs to have free
access after the end of the project.
Ana Maria says that
these AE could have access for free at least one year after the end of the project.
Ø About deliverables from WP7
Deliverable 7.2:
France will not need to give information; the methodology material will be
7.3: a compilation
7.5: how the user
played with ecosystem
France will just need
to keep proof of tests (informed consent, survey paper….) but France will not
need to provide further contribution to the deliverable.
· Action Plan
ü July:
- Mails and help
- FAQ in English
- Data protection
- Legal advice
- Level 2 launch
- Survey in all
languages (done)
- Translations of legal
- Reception of login
for pivotal and for the ecosystem
- decide on what will
be public on the ecosystem.
ü August:
- France contents
(would be put online thanks to the login that we will have)
- France courses
ü September:
- Level 3 launch
- New releases
· Sustainability of the project:
Ø Business Plan
Partners who are wishing
to continue the project, a business plan has to be prepared. This is an
innovation project and it has to be sustainable after the project.
Partners legal
representatives must estimate each country business plan and agree the future
exploitation: a Skype meeting has to be done before.
ESE will be in charge
of the Business Plan for France (subcontracting).
Ø Data protection schema
UC3M is the processor
of the ecosystem.
SIGLA would be the
processor and EXOR for the apps (and also the controller)
Partner’s legal
representatives must agree responsibilities and procedures.
UC3M is responsible (file
controller) for the data? At the moment, UC3M is the owner of the server. If
later UC3M wants also to be the processor, they have to sign an agreement.
Who is the processor?
Who is responsible of
the transfer of the data?
ESE will have to sign
a kind of agreement that said ok we are responsible for data but we could
precise that we will do not transmit these data to anyone. (Monique will sign
Aliad will send the
process (how the data are collected and so on and who is responsible for what…)
and then we will have to sign an agreement.
· Important to do by ESE:
Check model of contract to explain
responsibility of each partner in the data of the ecosystem (who is owner?)
Translation of legal advice and
verify by a lawyer
Make a business plan for France
Need to receive login for Pivotal
and ecosystem and update contents on the ecosystem
ü Translate FAQ
· Next meeting in Madrid 12 and 13th January 2015