Minutes Pro-Ent Working Meeting April 2013



Venue: Maison des Association, 75003 Paris


Day 1: 09/04/13






¯  Brochure: one per country with our info (cf PPT presented about financial aidsÉ) for the end of April (Romania and Italy will be responsible of the design of the brochure), there will be definitions of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, summary of the projectÉ


¯  Survey: 1st draft from Yasin at mid-May (Yasin will begin to write the survey and we will complete it). Target audience: people from 18 to 30, results will be discussed in the next mobility (Tallinn) and we will write all together a report about it


¯  Website: write a report about the jobs proposed (most popular) in newspapers


¯  Logo: Turkey started to create it, Italy will finalise it


Next mobility: Tallinn, proposition: 26/27 august, to be confirmed (RO = ok, IT/TR = have to discuss with their bosses)


Day 2: 10/04/13


Eero and M3 Presentation (training programme)


Yasin: we can share experience with entrepreneurs but we need documents, outcomes must be tangible (PPT presentations to young : Erasmus for young entrepreneurs for instance...)


Tasks sharing:






In Tallinn: we can discuss what modules we have, present them, what we would choose to use, how we would use themÉ