Minutes Pro-Ent Consortium Meeting n°3

Tallinn, Estonia - August 26th and 27th 2013



August 26th: Working Meeting


     Presentation of Estonia, its history and entrepreneurial climate of Estonia


3 entrepreneurial orientations:

-Imitative orientation

-Individualinnovative orientation

-Co-creative orientation


Enterprise Estonia websitewww.eas.ee/

3 enterprise clusters:

I Cluster: Subcontracting efficiency boosters

II Cluster: Diversified internalization opportunity users

III Cluster: International value chain members (e.g. several knowledge-intensive enterprises and subsidiariesof internationalcompanies…)


     Status of project; current activities and future plans


     The brochure / flyer:

Each partner will do it own flyer. Italian and Romanian partners showed us their versions of the flyer. Turkish partners have already printed 1000 flyers and will distribute it to the learners. France will create it own flyer as well. We will keep the same logo (this is the latest version).


     Intermediary report:

All the partners sent it in June.


     Contents of the training program: presentations by all partners


     Presentation by Turkish partners ‘‘Difficulties and barriers to entrepreneurship’’ (social and economic barriers + disadvantaged groups: women, immigrants, ppl with disabilities)

cf PPT presentation


     Presentation by Romanian partners “Contents of the business plan’’ (basic model, summary)

cf PPT presentation. The second part needs to be reviewed. Yasinaskedit.


     Presentation by Italian partners ‘’Training courses of Studiodominosrl’’ (educational programmes, technician in multimedia applications - adobe, tailor - modeling and packaging)! but they have mistaken! They had to do the other module about blogging, how to create a website..!


Lunch Time


     Presentation by France M3-cube.

cf PPT presentation. We asked if they agreed with these modules. Yasin told us that he needs more time to have a look against to the PPT presentation. Then he will write to all partners about it to decide all together what modules should be chosen.


     Presentation by Eero ‘’How to search new business ideas creativity?’’ (whatiscreativity? how to besuccessful, the brainstorming..)

cf PPT presentation


     Status and results of the survey.

Yasin and Romanian partners showed their results. Italien partners talked about their results. We told Yasin that we will submit the survey in sept/oct. We suggest to Yasin to tell us what was the target already touched in order to touch other population. We will make a French version. Eero from Estonia will submit it in sept/oct too and will try to reach another target.


     Next Consortium Meeting - Scheduling

 The next CM (n°4) may be on March 1st and 2nd of 2014 (Saturday and Sunday!!!) in Italy (Potenza). To send a confirmation during the next week.

The next and last CM (n°5) may occur in the end of May 2014 in Turkey.


For the next CM:

During the next meeting in Potenza, we will be working in groups: doing a brainstorming. Each country will be an entrepreneur and we will try to produce something.

In Potenza We will make a presentation on what we have decided to produce. e.g. if it is a pen, to whom we are going to sell it, etc.

Yasin will send us a detailed mail.



August 27th: Meetings with enterprise representatives and organizations


     Visiting Dvigatel - a traditional metal-works company in Estonia


     Visiting E-Profiil


Lunch Time


     Visiting Tehnopol (a business incubator in Tallinn)


     Delivery of certificates by Eero


     Visit of the campus of Tallinn Technical University (TTU)



     Confirmer les dates du next CM en Italie à Yasin.



- créer une version française et l’envoyer aux partenaires



- la traduire en français

- la soumettre à 20-30 personnes

- envoyer les résultats à Yasin et informer les autres partenaires



- demander à Yasin quels modules les intéressent et que l’on doit développer


     Demander à Yasin

- travail à préparer pour next CM: présentation d’un projet