Proentre Consortium
Meeting n°4
Potenza, Italia
March 4th
and 5th 2014
- Daria KYSLITSKA et Estelle ZIEGLER (M3Cube)
- Eero ELENURM + 3 participants
(Youth in Science and Business Foundation)
- Yasin DOGANER + 10 participants
(Kaman Technical and Industrial Vocational High School)
- Maria OBUF + 1 participant (Association of Womens
Discussion with Yasin
Estelle gave to Yasin :
a copy of the mail that she sent him
a copy of the flyer that she suggested him
a copy of the analyse of the intermediary
report translated in English
She talked to him about the different issues:
· online survey:
results will be sent by the end of the month
· flyer: she
asked him to send the partner logos and photos
· the training
module: she needs to talk to Eero to share the task
· she suggested
him to organize in France a workshop with teacher, students and entrepreneur.
He agrees.
· about the
analyze: he told her that he will answer to it and talk to all partners
Cultural presentation of Italy and Basilicata
Italian partners presented us the history of
the Basilicata region and the city of Potenza.
Project discussion:
Yasin cites the feedback of the French NCP.
Everybody will have to write the same things about the changes that took place
in our project: mobilities, meetings etc.
Estelle will send to everyone this doc and then
everybody must send what have been done so far for each partner.
Antonio talks about new Erasmus + projects. He
spoke with the Italian NCP so he was said that it is important to produce as
much documents as possible.
Yasin’s presentation about “the Basic terms of setting up the business”; “Mind map” (where we
detail our idea), “Ranking chart”,
“Survey questionnaire”, “SWOT analysis” (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats); “Financial
When we come to Turkey we will have to make
10-15 slides presentation about the developed Business idea: name of our company, organization chart (people who will work with me), SWOT analyzes,
Costs, Selling strategy etc.
This will help someone who already has the
business idea
Coffee break
Italian presentation
Actions done by Studio Domino: Presentation of
the survey results done by the Italian students
Final meeting in Turkey: 5-6-7 of May 2014.
The idea is to have
the two working days of the meeting (Monday the 5-th and Tuesday the 6-th of
May 2014) and Wednesday the 7-th of May is the Visit Cultural day. We can rend
the bus to come to the Kirsehir city. Yasin can book for us the hotel rooms.
The prices are: around 45€ for single room in the 5* Hotel and 70€ for double
room. (with dinner and breakfast included).
Cultural visit of the old city
Visit of the entrepreneurs and start-ups
LHub 221
Survey: to communicate the
results of the survey to our partners by the end of the month.
Flyer: To send the English
version of the flyer to all the partners.
Training module: To see it
with Eero and to send to other partners you before the end of March.
Workshop: to organize a
workshop with teacher, student and entrepreneur. We shall present the results
at the final meeting.
To prepare the PPT 10-15 slides for the Final
meeting in Turkey by presenting our developed Business Idea based on the Yasin’s