Proentre Consortium Meeting n°4

Potenza, Italia

March 4th and 5th 2014



- Daria KYSLITSKA et Estelle ZIEGLER (M3Cube)

- Eero ELENURM + 3 participants (Youth in Science and Business Foundation)

- Yasin DOGANER + 10 participants (Kaman Technical and Industrial Vocational High School)

 - Maria OBUF + 1 participant (Association of Womens Durnesti)


Discussion with Yasin


Estelle gave to Yasin :

·        a copy of the mail that she sent him

·        a copy of the flyer that she suggested him

·        a copy of the analyse of the intermediary report translated in English


She talked to him about the different issues:

·       online survey: results will be sent by the end of the month

·       flyer: she asked him to send the partner logos and photos

·       the training module: she needs to talk to Eero to share the task

·       she suggested him to organize in France a workshop with teacher, students and entrepreneur. He agrees.

·       about the analyze: he told her that he will answer to it and talk to all partners


Cultural presentation of Italy and Basilicata region


·        Italian partners presented us the history of the Basilicata region and the city of Potenza.


Project discussion:



·        Yasin cites the feedback of the French NCP. Everybody will have to write the same things about the changes that took place in our project: mobilities, meetings etc.

·        Estelle will send to everyone this doc and then everybody must send what have been done so far for each partner.

·        Antonio talks about new Erasmus + projects. He spoke with the Italian NCP so he was said that it is important to produce as much documents as possible.

·        Yasin’s presentation about “the Basic terms of setting up the business”; “Mind map” (where we detail our idea), “Ranking chart”, “Survey questionnaire”, “SWOT analysis” (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats); “Financial planning”.


·        When we come to Turkey we will have to make 10-15 slides presentation about the developed Business idea: name of our company, organization chart (people who will work with me), SWOT analyzes, Costs, Selling strategy etc.

·        This will help someone who already has the business idea



Coffee break



Italian presentation


·        Actions done by Studio Domino: Presentation of the survey results done by the Italian students


Final meeting in Turkey: 5-6-7 of May 2014.


The idea is to have the two working days of the meeting (Monday the 5-th and Tuesday the 6-th of May 2014) and Wednesday the 7-th of May is the Visit Cultural day. We can rend the bus to come to the Kirsehir city. Yasin can book for us the hotel rooms. The prices are: around 45€ for single room in the 5* Hotel and 70€ for double room. (with dinner and breakfast included).









Cultural visit of the old city



Visit of the entrepreneurs and start-ups


·        Euro-Net

·        LHub 221





·        Survey: to communicate the results of the survey to our partners by the end of the month.

·        Flyer: To send the English version of the flyer to all the partners.

·        Training module: To see it with Eero and to send to other partners you before the end of March.

·        Workshop: to organize a workshop with teacher, student and entrepreneur. We shall present the results at the final meeting.

·        To prepare the PPT 10-15 slides for the Final meeting in Turkey by presenting our developed Business Idea based on the Yasin’s presentation.