

Job situation in France


As every year, Pôle Emploi (national employment center) and Credoc (centre de recherche et d’études des conditions de vie / national research center on life conditions) publish their investigation "Needs labor" that lets you know which are the most sought after jobs at the national level and in each catchment area.


Unsurprisingly, hiring expectations expressed by employers rose only 0.3% in 2013. Thus, only 4400 plans for additional hiring this year are recorded. Less than half of the recruits are sustainable.

The hotel and restaurant sector is the leading recruiting sector.


There would be 1,613,100 recruitment projects this year, including 14% of hiring intentions in the hospitality industry (hotels and restaurants). It is always the first national recruitment hub, closely followed by business services (12%) and Health and social work (12%).

By sector, it is mainly those requiring low skills that are most sought after, the same for many years:

- kitchen apprentices

- Servers,

- Animators, etc..


More generally, the service sector focuses, by itself, 64% of recruitment projects (slight increase: 1.1%).

The trade also saw its employment prospects increase (+1.9%) compared to 2012, with 11% of projects in 2013.

The construction sector accounts for about 6% of its workforce needs in 2013, falling 11% compared to 2012.


Especially unskilled jobs

And this year, the most wanted jobs (it is always the same for years) - mostly low-level qualification - are related to services to individuals: kitchen apprentices, servers, community workers, home health aides, caregivers... This result illustrates the structurally important proportion of tourism and personal services in the French economy. These businesses are characterized in most cases by a significant seasonality and high difficulties in recruitment.

Many jobs in the agricultural sector (growers, arborist employees...) also remain among the most sought after, but are very seasonal.


Finally, many hiring projects are generated by the business services sector (maintenance workers), industry (engineers, managers of education) and trade (sellers, self-service employees).

