Compte rendu du meeting à Villach du 17 au 20 Juin 2013
Présents : Autriche 4, Turquie 12, Portugal 2, Espagne 2, France 3, Italie 21
17/06/2013 : arrivée des participants (avec un peu de retard pour la délégation française et ce à cause des conditions métrologiques)
18/06/2013 :
Pour les responsables de projet : préparation et mise au point de la partie commune du rapport final et en particulier partie E1 et E2 sur les différents outcomes du projet.
Alessia Fabro envoie ses propositions au plus tard le 15 Juillet pour que l'on fasse les remarques éventuelles. Il sera évoqué : 15 à 16 points.
Pour les élèves : séance de géocaching en ville avec quizz .
Aprés midi :
Géocaching chasse au trésor pour tous à Villach Warmbad station de tourisme et de cure.
Soirée : Conférence de fin de projet à la
- Ouverture par les
responsables des Volkshochschulen et de la ville de Villach,
- Discours de l'université della libertad d'Udine (partenaire pour de nombreux projets avec Villach) et la municipalité d'Udine (co partenaire du projet en tant qu'Agenda 21) )
- Présentation des résultats pour chaque partenaire. Pour E seniors voir en annexe les documents présentés par M. MIRO et D.MASSARD qui ont été chaleureusement félicités par les participants pour l'originalité de la démarche.
- Présentation de la table des matières de l E book par le partenaire espagnol : celui ci nous sera envoyé mi juillet sous forme de CD et sera mis sur le site web de façon à être visible par tous.
Matin :
Exercices de geocaching à Landskron autour du château et spectacle demonstration « aigles »
Après midi :
Visite de Klagenfurt
20/06/2013 : départ
de Marguerite MIRO
résults obtained
When first,
Didier, one of our teachers, presented
the "Outdoor project" to our group, I must admit I was not very convinced but since learning
how to do was included in our course, I
tried to do my best to understand and to learn.
showing us how to go to “Google maps” and to create an itinerary, Didier
trained us to do the same for a short itinerary in our district. After various
attempts, we succeeded and downloaded this itinerary in his mobile phone. Then we went and
followed it. I began to be a little bit more convinced.
During the
meeting hold in Paris, we were told that in some countries they were using this process for walks in the
country side. Since I am a hiker, I though that it should be nice to prepare my
walks in the same way. So I decided to go further in the subject.
I know
rather well my city Paris and particularly a district were tourists are not
used to go when they visit us, it is called “Le Marais”. I have my own “itinerary” and when Françoise
proposed to take this itinerary as an example I agreed.
I looked
for historical data and for descriptions and information on various mansions
and building we were in course to see. With Denis we went through the district
to check and after discussion with
Françoise we decided on the circuit to be kept. We checked it once more with
delegates of other european programs when they hold meetings in Paris. Then we
continued the work as it is said in chapter 5 of the e-booklet.
What I have
learned ?
Not to be too afraid when I am offered new
possibilities to use my computer
To do itineraries, for example for friends
coming at home and to whom I can indicate on their pads or telephone where is
my butcher, my baker and so on
de Denis MASSARD
About the Marais' experiment :
I took part in the visit , and I could observe the very good precision of the device.
Morover, beyond an urban environment which benefits from many reference points (roads, squares, monuments, …), I have also tested the device in a more rural environment, in the town of Felletin, which is a small city in the center of France, with an itinerary wich allows to locate :
- a very old stoned bridge
- a former factory of diamond cutting
- former tan-yards (factories for treatment of hides)
and of course tapestry workshops (an historical
still present speciality with Aubusson)
So, in one
hand we have a tool, and it can be funny, and in the other hand we have the
feeling – I have had the feeling – to have a very powerful device, with a
universal range.