The third consortium meeting Motech in Koszalin took place from  the 17th until the 20th of June 2014. T

The aims of the two-day workshop  were to:

-         show Wikipedia and present its features (neutral point of view,  verifiability, no original  research,)

-         inform about copyrights

-         learn how to create a new Wikipedia entry in  respect of the correct style ( common language and editorial  mistakes)

-          how to test  a new entry,

-         how to travel through hypertext,

-         how to use the encyclopedia for educational purposes.


The  tasks

       Because of the fact that the workshop took place in the period  of  Corpus Christi, one of the most important catholic ceremonies, this event became the main keynote of the meeting. Firstly, the participants  listened to Alicja Lorenz, the Religious Education teacher trainer who presented the history of this event and explained its role in the catholic church.  Then, they participated in a traditional religious  procession in order to take pictures  for their entry in Wikipedia ( religious events in the countries of the workshop participants ). Furthermore, they listened to Urszula Rusiak, the science teacher trainer who presented  the features of the Wikipedia encyclopedia.  Finally, they were taught how to  create articles  in the Wikipedia encyclopedia.

The visit  of the primary  and lower-secondary school

        The participants  also visited the school “Zespol Szkol Nr 11 w Koszalinie” and observed parts of three lessons: English, Maths and Chemistry  during which the students and their teachers were working with ICT tools (computers and  interactive whiteboards).

The cultural events

All the   visited the city center of  Koszalin and the castle in Darłowo.


The evaluation of the workshop

The participants  evaluated the workshop filling in a survey written on

The results were presented  on –line .