Institute E-Seniors
Published in January
Experimentation Institute E-seniors through Age Engage Workshops
Institute E-seniors created
a local partnership project with the Parisian branch of Google Company. The aim
of this project was to encourage the use of new technology tools among the
elderly and to presented them the possibilities and tools offered by Google.
This partnership,
named Age Engage Workshop is
a part of the company’s social responsibility policies called « Google Gives ». The
principal is that each month, every Google employee has to contribute to a
worthwhile effort (about 7 hours).
The first Age Engage Workshop, was held on
November 25th, 2013. Seven employees from Google agreed to join this
workshop meeting some senior members and voluntary ICT-trainers of Institute
E-Seniors. Overall there were about 20
people during this afternoon.
Before the
meeting Institute E-seniors asked the participating senior trainees and
trainers their expectations and useful topics for them in the workshop. Notably
the following issues came up:
Explanations of icons
Google homepage
Explanation of useful
applications (maps, drive....)
The easy use of Gmail
Advantages of Google
chrome compared to other browsers?
Differences between
Google and Google docs drive?
What is Google +?
Link between PICASA
and Google+?
Questions about
Participants worked in
tandem (1 Google employee/1 senior or 1 trainer volunteer) on a Chromebook (a
computer developed by Google). The idea was that each senior could ask for
advice about Internet or Google applications (Google Drive, Google+, google
maps) .
The atmosphere in the
meeting was relaxed and friendly. According to seniors (including the trainees
and the voluntary ICT-teachers), this
first session was very useful and stimulating. They all agreed that Google
employees were very pleasant and excited about sharing their knowledge and
discussing with them.
The first feedbacks
are very positive from the both sides.
Here are some
reactions from seniors and voluntary trainers of Institute E-seniors :
« This
session was a good initiative from Institute E-Seniors and Google. The trainer
showed me functions I have never used before and these could be very useful in
future. »
« It
was a very nice experience, very nice atmosphere. I received very good advices
from my trainer and I look forward to taking part in other sessions like this
one. »
« Reception
conditions and material conditions were both excellent! I received some advices and initiations as
Google Drive. »
And here are some
reactions from Google employees:
« Thank
you for this opportunity, it was very rewarding. »
« It
was a very interesting experience. My « learner » knows as much as I
know myself ! The contact and exchange was very rewarding. »
After the meeting we
did a "return of experience" with Google, whether in the technical /
logistic field and in the educational field so that the workshops as adapted
for its public. Several points were raised:
Seniors need a
"suitable" computer and a chrome book special senior with mouse?
No longer sessions than 90 minutes
During the sessions,
it could be interesting to split sessions in two parts:
The first part would
be more theoretical (one trainer would explain a specific tool to all)
The second part would
be more practical (work in tandem in which trainers would answer to questions from seniors)
Dispose written
material (guides, to help them remember what was discussed)
Organize sessions by
theme and level groups
Organize a free exchange
in the end of the session to see if they have understood the lessons learned.
This could be don for instance in form of a Quiz.
Conclusions from the
first Age Engage Workshop:
Positive aspects for
Google: get feedback from senior citizens with respect to their software and usability
of their computers.
Positive aspects for
Institute E-Seniors: improve the ICT-trainer competencies and deepend their
knowledge related to the Google tools, which will help them to adapt their
teaching techniques.
The 2 partners have
agreed to continue the experimentation. Furthermore, Institute E-Seniors will
organize a preparatory meeting with its senior participants in order to
identify the topics of their interest in advance. The next session is expected
to be carried out during the first quarter of 2014.