----- HeuritAge Steering Group Meeting

------Minutes of the meeting held on 19-20 November 2009

------Budapest (Hungary) – Host Organisation MOSTart



------Name of project: HeuritAge

------9 Partners: Belgium (Co-ordinator), Czech Republic, Cyprus, France,
------Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom






------Ivo Peeters, Lionel Missant (Belgium)

------Petra Pavlasova, Lenka Pacovska (Czech Republic)

------Loukia  Pavlidou (Cyprus)

------Monique Epstein, Françoise Pettelat (France)

------Anett Varga (Hungary)

------Gosia Wochowska (Italy)

------Jerzy Jedliński, Mateusz Karlinski (Poland)

------Sara Emília Caldas Mourão (Portugal)

------Catherine Aymar, Margaret Davies (UK)






Apologies and Introductions


No apologies were received. Before the meeting starts, partners were asked to give a 5 min presentation about their organisation.



Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

There were no minutes of last meeting as this was the first Steering Group meeting.


Matters Arising








Project application


A preparatory meeting took place in January 2009 in Krakov (Poland) with the presence of representatives from Belgium, Poland, France, Estonia and Portugal.



At the moment 3 countries are still on the reserved list: Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria.


Ivo gave a PowerPoint presentation on the aims and objectives of the project. It summarised the main points included in the project application:

-       to encourage senior citizens to promote their cultural and historical heritage in dialogue with young people and using new technologies.

-       to develop seniors’ European citizenship

-       to digitise local history and common memories

-       to share local memories and patrimony by developing and using a multilingual tool accessible from each partner country

-       to provide basic ICT and foreign language training


Project delivery


For this project we agreed to define the definition of senior citizens is 50+. Any seniors can be involved in the project with or without ICT experience. The younger generation will have the opportunity to contribute to the web tool by working with the seniors and to populate the website.


ICT courses: we agreed to work more in the direction of “recommendations”, useful in different kind of computer courses for senior citizens, rather than to develop a complete course. Recommendations based on the use of images and information of the past.


For the local history, the heritage part, the project will create a common internet platform.  The idea is that each partner country will be able to use this website in its national language to post local history data such as photos, posters, videos, etc… Jerzy (Poland) said that the Group needs to think of common topics under which the data will be classified (e.g. street names, celebrations, economic life, sport, etc….)


As possible model, Ivo showed the Group the Belgian website as it exists at the moment. It can be found on www.ganshoren-ingezoomd.be 


Margaret (UK) raised the issue about data protection especially with data that could cause problems if they are published in the public domain (e.g demonstrations showing faces of people, political meetings…). Ivo said that it will be the responsibility of each national website administrator to allow publication. Further discussion will be needed to give a legal framework to the websites.


Each locality will have its own website in its national languages (9 national websites). These national websites will be accessible through a dedicated HeuritAge website written in English.  The participants will input data onto their national website in their native language. But some data will be translated in English and made available to all partners/participants. These will be the outputs for everybody.


It was decided that the HeuritAge website and national websites will have a URL address only available to partners organisations (and local project participants) for a first period to make sure that all works properly and to put in content. When both conditions are reached, the websites will be able to be open to the broader public.




Two contact names per partner organisation are required to be put on the mailing list. Anett (Hungary) suggested the creation of a Group mailing list on Google and asked partners to send her details of the two contact names by 27th November.




With regard to mobilities, travel and subsistence costs are paid by each partner organisation. The host country will source the best value accommodation and catering so that the stay in the host country remains reasonable.




The Group agreed that mobilities should be for at least a day and a half and occur at the end of a week (with Friday the main working day). If partners/participants want to stay longer in the host country, it will be their responsibility to arrange the stay.


The mobilities scheduled in the original application had to be reviewed as some countries have not been approved for funding:


2nd Mobilitity – Newport, United Kingdom

Date: February 2010

Theme: HeuritAge website and national websites

Google as partnership communication tool

Update on progress


3rd Mobility – Cintra, Portugal

Date: End of June 2010

Theme: Presentation of the HeuritAge website / short pilot

Translation of websites

Update on progress


4th Mobility – Cyprus

Date: November 2010

Theme: to be confirmed later


5th Mobility – Italy (Sicilia)

Date: Feb/March 2011

Theme: to be confirmed later


6th Mobility – Brussels, Belgium

Date: June 2011

Theme: Project dissemination at EU levels











































All: to start a list of common topics
















Ivo: to contact UK for a preliminary visit with Newport University Computing Department











Hungary: to create a Google mailing list








Any Other Business







Date of Next Meeting


The 2nd meeting of the SGM will be held in February 2010 in Newport (United Kingdom).





UK to organise mobility




SGM: Steering Group Meeting



Project length: 2 years 1st August 2009 – 31st July 2011



Action Points



Compile a list of common topics in order to classify website data


To initiate contact with Newport Computing Department and arrange a preliminary visit

Catherine and Ivo

To create a Google Group mailing list


To organise 2nd mobility in the United Kingdom
