Grundtvig Partnership Project


Fostering Cooperation and Intergenerational Learning


Meeting, Kilkis,  5th  -6th of March 2013


(Meeting will be held in the boardroom of Epimorfotiki Kilkis)



4th   Monday of March 2013-Arrivals


Welcoming Dinner


5th   Tuesday of March 2013




First location of OPONGA (organism for culture, youth and sport): City Hall

Visit in OPONGA/Kilkis Municipality –Welcoming- Mini tour in the building of Kilkis Municipality- Short greeting from the Mayor


Second location of OPONGA:

Arrival at the boardroom of Epimorfotiki Kilkis- Welcoming

·        Kilkis is 45 kms away from Thessaloniki, 20 kms away from the borders. The city counts 25000 inhabitants. OPONGA pursues the cultyral improvement of the territory, promtes IG learning, formal and informal education

·        Brief reference in European Projects (LDV, GRUNDTVIG, YOUTH etc) and especially in GRUNDTVIG-PARTNERSHIPS. Reference to important projects and activities that have implemented in Kilkis and the surrounding areas in relation to Adult Learning and Intergenerational Learning. Discussion

è OPONGA is involved in art education, traditional games, volunteerism…




Cultural activity: tour in the city- Visits at: Cave of Kilkis, Hill of Saint George


Cultural activity: Visit the Gallery of Kilkis


Consortium Dinner, folkloric music and dance



Wednesday 6th of March 2013




Meet in the Boardroom of Epimorfotiki Kilkis


·      Discussion to change the next meeting dates from 4th -5th of June 2013 to 25th-26th of June


·      Quick discussion on what have been done so far. Romania: the partner studied methods on IG learning. The activity implemented was the writing of a play with the help of the teachers. The Romanian partner disseminated the project at radio news, in the school magazine.


·      The French group is thinking of implementing an IG English workshop.


·      The idea in this project is to use innovative ways in implementing IG learning. Either we work by peer or in small groups; a group of 3 persons seems to be better. One or two persons should be present to coordinate the groups.


·      Betty Abugheida (French team) suggested the creation of a list with the name and status of every person present at the meetings. Mark Konick (French team) suggested using name tags so people could learn each other’s names.


·      Award Certificates



12:30 Activity: Tour in the city center-shopping, coffee




ACTIVITY INVOLVING LEARNERS:  Activity in the department of Art Education of OPONGA a) ceramic art education and b) percussion education and conduct with sounds. The activity involving learners is going to implement during the course involving children and adults.


