Latest Announcement



Friday – 25 Aprill,2014

9:00 – 15:00

Venue: Academy of Sciences, Tirana

“Fan Noli” Square



“Burning problems and needs of ageing in Albanian society”

Under the auspices of Foreign Minister Mr. Ditmir Bushati


ASAG is inviting you with a great pleasure to take part at the International Conference on Ageing in Albania with theme: “Burning problems and needs of ageing in Albanian society”.

April 25th,2014  International Conference & Sightseeing afternoon in Tirana (Capitol city of Albania).

April 26th,2014 General Council EURAG & Poetry Night with Poetess Mrs. Rita Petro and Soprano, Prof. Shqipe Zani

April 27th,2014 Trip to Struga, UNESCO listed place in Macedonia & visiting  Struga University and meeting the Mayor of Struga.




-           Demography,

-           Health and social services,

-           Active ageing in active communities,

-           Information on situation on region,

-           Mental health,

-           Poverty, pensions and the future

-           Elder abuse


Conference Coordinator:

Mrs. Mira Pirdeni, Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG)  

Mr. Shpetim Cami, Mayor Municipality No. 1

Mr. Alban Ylli, Albanian Assosacion of Gerontology & Geriatry (AAGG)


European Federation of Ageing (EURAG)

Mr. Dirk Jarre, President of EURAG

setting the stage!

Mrs. Dana Steinova, Secretary General of  EURAG


Expectations :


The coordinator group will work to promote the greater involvement of all stakeholders to establish the basis for setting the agenda in connection with the launch of the Implementation of International Plan of Action on Ageing ( MIPAA ), a political document signed by Albania in the Second World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid 2002. In this regard, other stakeholders will be encouraged to reflect on the new challenges and their implications on the main objectives of the Plan (MIPAA).


The coordinator group is committed to this goal for the promotion of the dialogue and the increase of the institutional commitment to Ageing in Albania. Comprehensive discussions will influence the commitments and the responsibility of the stakeholders towards a vision for a sustainable future for all generations.

At the same time many of the results of the conference are expected to provide clarity and support for the promotion of a meaningful dialogue among stakeholders, which will complement the new articulation of the agenda in favor of Ageing in Albania through the process of the joint conception.


The conference will be engaged in supporting the developed countries and EURAG in the track towards the compilation of a clear list of priorities as a necessity for the future meetings. Special attention will be paid to the European Cooperation for the encouragement, improvement and strengthening of the real will of the developed countries and the international development agencies to contribute and enable the implementation of MIPAA. The conference will help in the building of consensus and the processing of the action - plan through high-level meetings and thematic debates, which will be focused on the:


§  Role of Cooperation between Government and Community;

§  Promotion of the Pro-Ageing Policies;

§  Improvement of the Institutional Infrastructure;

§  Promotion of a social culture based on intergenerational solidarity;

§  Fight against poverty.

EURAG secretariat  have got already the following applications for presentations:


Milos Vajs,Czech Rep.:Poverty among senior population

Dana Steinova: EURAG Memory training center and its role in making seniors more self-confident and independent

Tina Tambaum,Estonia:Older men as active learners in the community

Pavel Kalvach: Importance of social justice in health care for seniors

Petra Vucemilovic,Croatia:Social TeleCare for elderly and disabled persons living alone

Jozica Puhar, Slovenia:Some facts and some comments on poverty in Slovenia

Points for the provisional agenda of the EURAG General Council meeting which takes place at  -  Punkte für die vorläufige Tagesordnung der Sitzung des EURAG Generalrates, die stattfinden wird im


Durres, Hotel  PAMEBA, 30 dhoma Golem

Saturday  April 26th, 2014 from 10.00 am till 17.00 pm                           

Samstag  26. April 2014 von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

1) Opening of the meeting by the President – Eröffnung der Sitzung durch den Präsidenten

2)   Adoption of the agenda – Annahme der Tagesordnung

3)   Adoption of the minutes of the last meeting of the General Council – Annahme des Protokolls der letzten Sitzung des Generalrates

4)  Activities report by the Secretary General – Tätigkeitsbericht der Generalsekretärin

5) The way forward: Reflection on the new role and image of EURAG. Follow-up to the discussion in Riga (see document “EURAG General Council Meeting Riga, 26 October 2013, Brief summary of results and conclusions”)

- Wie es weitergehen soll: Überlegungen zur neuen Rolle  und Darstellung von EURAG. Fortführung der Beratungen von Riga (siehe das Dokument EURAG General Council Meeting Riga, 26 October 2013, Brief summary of results and conclusions”)


6)  „Hot“ senior issues from our member states and EURAG´s prospective involvement followed by a general discussion. - Brennenden Senioren-Fragen in unseren Mitgliedsländern und EURAG’s Aktivitäten, mit allgemeiner Diskussion.

7) Members’ creativity needed: Ideas for fundraising and other means of support to our organization - Anregungen unserer Mitglieder sind gefragt: Ideen zu möglichen Finanzierungsquellen und sonstigen Unterstützungen für unsere Organisation

8) Reports of EURAG experts to the AGE-Platform expert groups, Social Platform and Commission for Social Development of the UN and Commission on the Status of Women of the UN - Berichte von EURAG Experten in den Expertengruppen der AGE-Platform, in der Sozialplattform sowie in den Kommissionen der Vereinten Nationen für Soziale Entwicklung und zum Status der Frauen

10) Representation of EURAG in Council of Europe - Vertretung von EURAG im Europarat

11) Any other business – Verschiedenes

11) Date and place of the next meeting of the General Council – Datum und Ort der nächsten Sitzung des Generalrates

12) Closing by the President – Abschlussworte des Präsidenten

All the participants are expected to stay in PIKLOTI or STELA hotels and they already made their own reservations. Departure for the general council meeting in Durres is on April 26th at 8 am, the participants will be picked up in these two hotels. If anyone is staying in a different place, he/she is supposed to come for departure to one of these hotels. Departure for the trip to Macedonia is on April 27th at 7 am, pick up in both hotels. There is no registration fee for April 25th -26th events,neither for the trip to Macedonia.UN office for Albania is sponsoring our stay.

Alle Teilnehmer sollten bereits ihre Übernachtungen im PIKLOTI oder STELA Hotel selbst gebucht haben. Am 26. April werden die TeilnehmerInnen an der Sitzung des Generalrates um 08.00 Uhr in diesen beiden Hotels abgeholt. Sofern jemand in einem anderen Hotel übernachtet, sollte er/sie zu dieser Zeit ins PIKLOTI oder STELA Hotel kommen. Zum Ausflug nach Macedonia werden wir alle am 27. April um 07.00 Uhr in den beiden Hotels abgeholt. Für den 25. und 26. April fällt keine Einschreibegebühr an – und auch nicht für die Exkursion nach Macedonia – da die VN-Vertretung in Albanien dafür die Kosten übernimmt.

Thanks for a great hospitality to ASAG and Mira Pirdeni for her efforts. Looking forward to seeing you in Tirana!

Vielen Dank an die ASAG und an Mira Pirdeni für ihre grosszügige Gastfreundschaft. Wir freuen uns, Sie in TIRANA wiederzusehen!

Dirk Jarré , EURAG President & Dana Steinova, EURAG Secretary General