PAST-TIMES - Stories,
Tales and Customs to Raise Intercultural Awareness 2018 |
E-Seniors association – France (coordinator)
Mediter – Belgium
INNEO – Poland
University of Sevilla
– Spain
AEVA – Portugal
Future in Perspective Limited – Ireland
JKPeV – Germany
An ageing population; a migrant integration
crisis; and a growing anti-Europe sentiment are unfortunately the reality in
the majority of EU Member States. PAST-TIMES is a project that is consciously
European in its focus and it will strive to enhance the awareness of the role
played by European unity in the course of its training and oral history
The objective of the PAST-TIMES project is to
address all three of the above contexts with a comprehensive intergenerational programme of activities. This programme
will include:
a bespoke media production training programme for young migrants to build high-value digital and social
media skills to enable them record and collate a library of video and audio
files comprising insights into the stories, tales and customs of Europe's older
generations to build their cultural awareness of Europe and their new host
an oral
history appreciation training programme for senior
citizens to support them in elaborating a common peoples history of Europe
in the 20th Century so that this is captured for future generations. This
process will also ensure that the seniors engaged are mentally stimulated by
their active involvement thereby mitigating the threat of dementia and other neurodegenerative
an intergenerational
learning project based on a webquest approach where
young migrants and senior citizens jointly complete a webquest
challenge focused
on building intercultural awareness. This process will also help to build the
digital literacy skills of the active retirees participating.
an in-service
training programme for adult educators and migrant
support workers to build the skills necessary to develop webquests and to enable them extract the maximum benefit
from the media production and oral history training resources provided
a bespoke online
portal that will host all the webquest challenges
and provide a media streaming platform for the oral and video historical
content captured through the intergenerational exchanges.
The project will develop the following
· A suite of digital and social media production and
management skills development modules
that focus on harnessing the potential of the most widely available and used
technology products like smart-phones, tablets, etc. as media production tools.
The training course will rely completely on open source software programs for
video and audio editing. The widespread availability of these technology platforms
and free to access software will ensure that the skills developed during the training can be used by young migrants
to record audio and video sessions with seniors to collect their stories,
tales and customs in a cost-effective way. These digital and social media
production and management skills are highly valued in the labour
· A bespoke curriculum to support the recording and
publishing of oral history sessions in today's media focused world. This
curriculum will marry best practice from an oral historians perspective with
appropriate digital and social media publication guidelines
· A library of webquest
challenges completed by the intergenerational teams in each partner country
that explore the cultural traditions and intercultural heritage of Europe
· An in-service training programme
for adult educators and migrant support workers to enable them to develop
engaging webquests and integrate the new resources into their
everyday activities. In-service training will place a significant emphasis on working
in online learning environments and exploring the roles of educators in these
dynamic environments. The new webquest resources will
bring a wide range of new environments into the learning process especially
social media platforms and partners need to ensure that tutors are:
comfortable working with the new resources in
these non-traditional learning environments;
fully bought-in to the benefits that online
learning can bring for working with marginalised
target groups;
aware of the risks that pertain when working in
online environments.
An online platform where
all escape room challenges can be accessed will be developed. The platform will require the registration
of all users so that their performance can be tracked and measured to facilitate
the award of Mozilla Badges as records of achievement.