Mobile Money project

Training Program for enhancing the Use of Mobile Money by the Elderly



Erasmus+ KA2 – Duration: 2 years (1st November 2023 – 31st October 2025)




- Association Four Change (coordinator) - Romania

- E-Seniors – France

                - Fundació Gesmed Fundació de la Comunitat Valenciana – Spain

                - Zavod IZRIIS – Slovenia

                - Association Niciodata Singur - Romania

                - GUnet (Network of Greek Universities) – Greece




The aim of our project is to increase the competences of the elderly for using Mobile Money solutions.


According to that, the project has the following specific objectives:

-          To develop a Training Methodology based on “gamification” and “learning by doing” approaches, where they will be trained in a simulation, safe and friendly environment, in order to get familiar with the innovative processes related with the management of money and transactions through mobile technologies reducing their concerns and reservations before they can use them in the real world for their own daily-live situations.

-          To develop a Trainer´s Guide and a set of Training Resources for Supports in order to enhance the implementation of the training methodology.

-          To develop a set of Training Materials for the Elderly for enhancing their successful involvement in the training process and acquisition of competences.

-          To develop a “Mobile Money Training Tool” for enhancing the implementation of the training methodology, simulating he processes and functionalities related with the management of money and transactions through mobile technologies.

-          To implement pilot training actions for validating the quality of the training program and its capacity for increasing the competences of the elderly regarding the use of Mobile Money solutions for managing money and transactions.

-          To increase the awareness of the related stakeholders at national and EU level on the drivers and barriers for the adoption of mobile technologies for the management of money and transactions by the elderly and commitment with the future exploitation of the training program.




PressRelease n° 1