Erasmus+ Project Description MAE
Memories Across Europe
Start date:
01-12-2021 – end date: 01-12-2023
Storie di
Mondi Possibili (Italy), Sozial
Label (Germany), Mobilizing Expertise (Sweden), STOP - Stowarzyszenie
Trenerow Organizacji Pozarzadowych (Poland), E-Seniors (France), EIC - European
Information Centre (Bulgaria), ADN - Archivio Diaristico Nazionale (Italy)
The project Memories Across Europe aims to
carry out educational activities for adults and seniors based on autobiographical
methodologies and digital storytelling, in order to contribute to a common and
positive construction of European identity, stimulate participation in
democratic life, promote intergenerational dialogue and solidarity. In fact,
there is a very close relationship between storytelling practices and active
citizenship. Storytelling is an effective tool that allows us to bring out and
share the values and the learnings that are preserved in our experiences.
Stories can ultimately connect people of different ages, backgrounds and
cultures. The project will carry out educational activities for adults and with
a focus on contributing to a common and positive construction of European
identity, through the narration of the personal experience of Europe, linked to
the importance of European values in people ́s and community ́s life.
The project aims to develop a sense of European identity in relation to
European Union ́s values and develop forms of active participation. The
two themes addressed throughout the project are “My Europe” and “Stories of
social change in Europe”.
R1 -
Memories Across Europe Tool Kit
R2 – Remote
Cooperative Storytelling Workshops
R3 –
Storytelling Volunteers Training Module
R4 –
Memories Across Europe App
R5 – MAE