MORE: Meaningful Occupation after Retirement for activE
and healthy ageing
Duration: 1/12/2017 - 30/11/2019 --> 24
Social Security
Institution Ankara
TURYAK - research organization on
solutions to the problems of the elderly (Turkey)
Ankara University Centre on Ageing Studies Implementation and Research (Turkey)
SINCANHEM - public education centre in Ankara
Innovation in Learning
Institute (ILI) of
Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
National Foundation
for the Elderly
(Pays Bas)
The average
life expectancy increases, thus people spend a relatively high percentage of
adult life in retirement. According to the Ageing Report in 2015 it means 43%
for men and 48% for women in Turkey. The rates respectively are 34%, 38%
in France and 28%, 32% in Germany and in the Netherlands.
The high
statistics show that this period is too long to be wasted. As retirees are
earning less than in working life, are becoming distant to technologic
development and are considered by negative stereotypes asrelatively
less capable to learn,they risk to turn into a
disadvantaged group.
they need help to improve and extend their skills and competences with supply
of high quality learning opportunities. The project creates a"Life-Long Learning Training Module" as main output which is
accessible for the retirees. Hence, this module is tailored to the needs of
individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults.
The project
also has a social inclusion aspect.
With a smaller budget than in working life, they can hardly find opportunities
to enjoy social life and hobbies or to do sports. Instead, they tend to stay at
home isolated. This project gives retireesthe
opportunity to experience such activities and further explore their personal
interests. With the help of the project MORE, they will understand that life is
not over after retirement and that there is MORE to do.MORE
fosters social inclusion, which is a European and governmental priority.
1) Guidance &
Orientation module:
- Social, cultural, psychological and economic
dimensions of retirement
- Self-awareness, coping with adaptation of the
retirement and managing stress, expressing feelings, maintaining social
interaction and interpersonal relationships
- Collective participation:
Informing/Awareness-raising about the activities that can be attended in the
living environment
- Activities about assessing leisure time and
gain hobbies (i.e. art,chess, sculpture, cooking
course, theatre, chorus, dance etc.)
- Encouraging participation in voluntary
activities (i.e. animal shelter visit, theme foundation visit, etc.)
- Intergenerational solidarity activities:
Meeting young people and carrying out joint activities
2) Healthy Ageing
- Adoption of healthy living culture: life
cycle approach
- Healthy diet
- Physical activity (aerobic, bicycle, pilates,..etc.)
- Informing/Awareness-raising about common
diseases that have seen in old age (Brain Health and Dementia, Heart and
vascular diseases, arthrosis diseases, diabetes)
- Health literacy
- Awareness-rising on rational drug use
3) Rights and Laws
- Social Insurance Rights
- Health
Insurance Rights
- General Information on Access to governmental
4) Language module:
This language module enables participants to
get A1 certificate. The Module consists of three course topics:
reading-writing, listening and speaking.
5) Introduction to the
ICTs module:
- Basic MS Office programs (paint, Word etc.)
- Internet usage and social media tools
- Usage of smart tools (Applications)
- Introduction to the e-operations (e-state,
paying bills, online tickets, e-shopping etc)
- Basics
of making a video and taking photographs via electronical