The Healthy
Loneliness is a 12 months EIT HEALTH project involving 4 partner organizations
for year 2019:
1) Universitat Politècnica de València(Spain)
2) Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi (Poland)
3) E-Seniors Association (France)
4) Fundación de
la Comunidad Valenciana para la Promoción Estratégica (Spain)
Through different initiatives, our project addresses theelderly loneliness, a fact that
grows every day and that represents a decrease in the quality of life of many
people in our society, hindering their health and well-being. This project
willprovide elderly with tools to tackle with their loneliness feeling,
increase self-esteem, and understand that living alone does not mean living in
This project intends to empower citizens in
loneliness through different activities. It aims to:
1. Achieve a better understanding of the
current loneliness situation in elderly at urban environments, identifying its
causes, consequences and needs that existing solutions promoted by cities are
not covering
Improve their quality of life and self-esteem and reinforce the positive
points of living alone
3. Evaluate participants' mental health and
self-esteem status before and after their project's participation
4. Motivate a permanent change in individuals’
lives towards healthy and active ageing
The project will be implemented through three
1. User requirements and needs analysis and
selection of more motivating activities and
2. Activities planification and materials
3. Activities and interventions deployment