EU – EIT Food
Innovation project
- January 2021 to April 2022
Partners :
ABP Food Group, Angulas Aguinaga
Group, AZTI, Maspex Group, E-seniors
Over 65 years
citizens represent the single fastest growing demographic group in Europe (30%
of people will be over 65 in 2030), a challenge for the food industry as
healthy ageing is affected by daily diet choice: we want to live longer and
with a better quality of life. It is also important to highlight the impact of
the demographic change on public health and its costs. Seafood, meat and
vegetables and fruits food matrixes are well-known by senior population, and
are well introduced in their daily diet habits, allowing and adequate intake of
essential nutrients as proteins, fibre, minerals and vitamins. They can
contribute to improve health and well-being. Food4senior project aims at
defining consumer insights and nutritional requirements in many health aspects
(cardiovascular, bones, muscle, joints, brain) and then develop innovative
product ranges, easy to prepare, with enhanced and adapted nutritional and
sensory properties according to senior consumer needs (fiber,
omega 3, protein, calcium, vitamins, minerals). For these developments, through
consumer involvement, health, nutritional and sensory requirements will be
taken into account and products assessed with consumer before launching to the
market. A positive outcome of the project will have a big impact on public
health, increasing well-being and reducing health costs, due to its
contribution to positive changes in consumer nutrition.
This is to be
achieved through a collaborative consortium working on the following workplan.
Firstly, consumer and market assessment to define consumer insights and design
product specification according to market expectations. Secondly, technical
development of the solution: development of nutritionally enhanced and sensory
adapted food product prototypes (formulation and nutrient enrichment of adapted
texturization), industrial scale-up and validation of products industrial
feasibility. Then a marketing strategy will be developed, including
dissemination through digital tools. And finally, products will be assessed
with consumers before launching to market.
For more
information, watch the video :
Project presentation at the INNOVATION Forum 2022